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It is so dark. I cannot see a thing...all I can see is myself, why though? I have my uniform and a Blade still. I get the Strength to get up and try to get around and get familiar with my surroundings to see where I was.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out. But no avail, I got No response. I began to panic a bit, so I started to run. I ran for so long it felt like I was running for hours, yet again, this came to nothing. It was still pitch black. Like I got nowhere.

||Oh! Beg my manners, you must be confused about what is going on, yes? Well...I am an assassin child from the kogaramichi Family. A famous yet unknown Shadow Assassin Family. My name, well my family never opens their real I do not expose my name. So please, call me F.c, or shion. I Hope that clears this up. ||

I grabbed the sides of my head where my ears are and dropped to my Knees, closing my eyes shut... even if I am an assassin, we all have fears! Even if we hide them. Even if I am an assassin, I hated being alone, and I still hate being alone! It was the number one thing that I feared as a kid...growing up as a young adult, aka an eighteen-year-old, it stuck to me. I hate being alone to this day! And if the darkness disappeared. Because...When I opened my eyes...I was, in front of a house? It looked as I was being kicked out. And I was right. I got kicked out of a house I had been living with my parents. And as I got kicked out, I had, Not with a lot of my stuff.  Just some Boxers, clothes, food, water, iPad, computer, Chargers, and my phone, in a backpack.  They slammed the door on me and Locked it. I sighed and went to what seemed to be a park. I went to a Bench and sat there. It was around midnight and I got sleepy. I later lied down on the bench for a minute or two. Then I got up and sighed.

"what do I do?" I whispered to myself. I sighed and sat up on the bed, pulling my hoodie up over my head. I then curled up and nuzzled my face into my knees, sighing once again. And Then I heard footsteps. They were near me. I stood up and looked around. All I see was fog. Just all fog. the footsteps became louder. And me being me, I get a weapon, aka a stick, a thick stick near me and positioned it as I would in blade training.

"whose there?!" I yell out. No response, just more footsteps. I grabbed my bag and was about to leave when I hear a male Call out.

"Oi! Are you sure this is the person were looking for? They don't look like they aren't going down with a fight!" He yelled with a reassembles as the fog Resembled his, not their appearance. Yes, there is two of them. I looked back to see the figures appear to me. They looked weird, at least to me. They were wearing Fitting outfits for the season but, I do not know how to describe them. One was taller them the other. Probably like 188cm or like 190cm or something. He had a Coat on his shoulders and something on his neck which Allows him to listen in with earbuds, like an MP3 player attached to a wire which is wrapped around his neck and with the earphones always in his ears. And what seemed to be light ocean blue eyes. The other guy was at least 179cm or 180cm. He had pinkish reddish hair and what seemed to my vision bright, green Paris eyes and like the other guy, was Pale.  They came closer to me, so I Backed up. But when I did that, I bumped into someone. I looked behind me and Saw a tall dude as well. He had A butler like appearance. Purple hair and eyes. Glasses and a stare anyone would feel like a peasant to, and His expression. It screamed butler. He looked 188cm.

"w-what the?!" I said as I was trapped. They came closer so I took My Backpack, jumped up and away from them. I land in a place far away from them and Ran. Ran so long it felt like it was 2 hours of just running. At last I stopped and Looked anyways for them. I sigh in relief as they were nowhere in sight. I began walking as something grabbed my wrist. So, me with my fighting reflexes decided to high kick the person. Big mistake. They grabbed my leg and Spun me to where I would flip. Lucky me, I Landed on my Feet and faced the person. It was the butler looking guy. He stared at me, and I stared back at him. It was Intense for a good five minutes. Before. I think, someone knocked me out.

Two dimensions जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें