chapter 4

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Deku had finally turned eighteen which meant he was of age to marry.
He was to be put an arranged marriage for an alince. I was heart broken I was never one to beg but i did i begged him not to marry her but
he said it was for his kingdom he told
me that he still loved me and we can still be together we would just have to be more careful. I agreed we always met at the old cottage but it was always hard for him to be alone now that he was a king.


I laid in my bed i was in the servant sleeping chambers it had been a week and the queen had returned.I hated her I hated when she would kiss him and how she was always holding onto him queen uraraka I despise you. The days past by I did my job the other servants Never liked me because I was deku's favorite not that cared but the only annoying part was they would mess me up on my job making me trip
Or break something on accdient.

I had been throwing up alot lately I Don't know I suppose it was maybe food posining. Later that day I had been sent to serve deku dinner I Carried the tray through Hall and stopped at the door I heard a voice it
Was the queen "I think it's about time that we had children Don't you think izku ?" I didn't want hear anymore I sat the tray by the door and walked I didn't care if got in trouble about none of it matter.

The nextday I was sent to give deku his lunch. I knocked on the door "come in" deku said I walked setting the tray in front of him he seemed focused on the paperwork. " I heard what she said" I mumbled deku took his eyes off his paperwork "relax kacchan I said I wasn't ready yet" anger took over me I slammed my hand on the table "relax?! Your with
Someone else how do you except me to fucking relax when your loving someone else!" I shouted deku reached a hand out to me "Don't you fucking touch me I've been acting like I've been ok but I'm not I'm pissed!" And with that I ran out and ran to the servant chambers.

A guard walked in the chambers and walked towards me "the queen wants
to see you" I nodded I was too fustrated to think of she would want and just followed him to the garden the queen was sitting on a bench in the garden she looked mad " I know
You little shit you've been sleeping with my husband"

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