Chapter 7

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Bakugo pulled the last arrow out of the dragon making it cry out in pain.

"I think that's all of em" bakugo said

Bakugo looked around, He needed to make a fire.

it was hard to see thanks to the dark but was able to make out the sticks.

Once he gathered enough sticks and everything else he needed to make the fire.

Once it was all set up he turned his attention to the dragon "can you set this on fire" he said pointing to the bundle of sticks.

The dragon nodded in response which shocked bakugo for a moment but soon snapped out of it.

He moved away from the bundle sticks and soon after the dragon blew a little fire out onto to the sticks.

Bakugo mumbled out a thanks and sat down in front of the fire.

He looked up at the dragon,he was now able to see him more clear.

He had red scales that matched his eyes and horns, and a broken chain locked on his foot, All his wounds were healed except for one.

His left wing was broken making bakugo's idea to leave gone.

"You nodded earlier so you can understand me" bakugo asked.

The dragon nodded again.

"Well that's good" a yawn escaped bakugo lips.

Bakugo backed a little from the fire and laid down and soon fell asleep.

The dragon followed his lead and laid his head down and closed his eyes.


Bakugo woke to the sun shining in his face.

He covered his eyes annoyed by the sun he turned to the dragon.

The dragon was still sleeping but bakugo woke out of his sleepy state seeing the dragons new form.

The dragon looked human now, the only the thing that stayed the same was his wings, horns, and tail and the chain on his foot.

The dragon wore an open jacket and a red bandanna around his neck and a raggedy pair of pants. (like the picture)

Bakugo stared at the dragon at shock.

What the hell was going on he thought.


Deku stared down at the mess of papers on his desk.

A knock made its way onto the door.

"Come in" deku muttered not even caring who was at the door.

The door opened to reveal his commander of the guards lida.

"Your majesty the queen wants to see you"

"You call by my name you know and tell her I'm busy" deku replied.

"Yes your majesty i mean midoryia" lida said giving a bow and getting ready to leave.

"Wait, have you found anything about where kacchan might be" the king asked.

The commander shook his head and left.

A couple days had past and the king ended up sendings a small search party of his guards to find bakugo of course when the queen found out about this she was not happy.

The queen looked down at the drink she hoped the king wouldn't notice something was off about it.

She called a servant to bring it to the king and smiled as they walked to the king's and queen room.

The servant gave the door a knock and was answered by the king to come in.

"I was told to give this to you your majesty its to help you get better rest" the servant said.

The king sat up from his bed and took the cup and dismissed the servant.

He sighed and gulped the drink down.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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