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Sorry— this is not a story
I just got tagged🙂

Idk why but... I felt like doing one of these tonight. So I'm doing it.
Usually I completely ignore these, cuz I get annoyed with them.

so I'm sorry if I annoy you by tagging you😅
(PS. the tags are random)

 the tags are random)

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1. I-T-W-C

2. Duh. Creating almost anything— stories, fanfiction, GarageBand tracks, video imagines, songs... I also love listening to the right music at the right moment; I love reading; I love spending time with my family.

3. Favourite song? Mmmm..... currently, I really don't have one? Since lockdown, I've been discovering and rediscovering all kinds of music. But if I had to choose, I would say either hell or flying by Jeremy Zucker or The Untamed by Yi Bo & Xiao Zhan. Cuz they're the most recently discovering songs that I like rn.

4. My mom, my sister and I in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. We did the coastal drive thing or something (idk what it's called) the summer of 2019... that feels like so long ago now, doesn't it?

5. BIG DREAMS??? Cue Suga
I have all kinds of dreams, tbh.
I have career-path dreams, which are mostly meant to linger in your head for a while as a fantasy. Or maybe all your life as a fantasy.
Eg. I've imagined what it might be like to be a successful kpop idol, in a completely alternate life. (Not that I actually want that. Despite the fame and the glory, it seems like a pretty oppressive and depressing lifestyle if not cared for thoroughly... I tell myself that I'd only want to be an idol for a week— and then I'd go back to my normal life.)
I also imagine being a film director,
an actress,
a rapper—
you know, stupid things like that 😂
But they're not stupid, really. They are... necessary. They keep hope and creativity and fun alive in your life.
I also have dreams of finding the right guy— the one, yes. My soulmate. Everyone has that dream. I know the chance that there's someone out there moulded perfectly to shape me is very slim, but for some reason I hold out hope.
Idk why.
I'll be praying about it 😊

6. No. My schedule is so off since lockdown.

7. I don't have many. I'm an introvert and I consider myself pretty conservative— I can't be close to too many people, and honestly it's exhausting to keep up appearances and maintain meaningless connections with people you don't really like, or who aren't necessary to your social life. (That's just my opinion though.)

8. I don't like math. I don't want to say I hate it bc that will influence my mindset, and I still need to graduate high school. Let's just say I can't wait to completely let go of that subject forever.

9. English

10. Singapore 🇸🇬

11. No. I don't like sports. The only sport I like is hip hop, kpop dancing.

12. I hope so.

13. um

14. Favourite singers— I'm an ARMY, so BTS is first obviously. American singers, I like Lauv, Alec Benjamin and FINNEAS. Their music stands out to me, I vibe with it :)

15. I have a sister who's two years younger than me but I'm very close to her. I used to be embarrassed of her, but I've sorted out my priorities now.

16. No. I used to like to. Honestly, I've always been interested in anything remotely creative? But I favoured writing in singing over drawing, so in the end the drawing skills lacked. I still really appreciate it though, like beautiful animatics 😊😊

17. Today is Monday. It's summer break, but I'm taking a Chinese Summer Course cuz it's only ten days, and one hour a day. (I think I can manage that much. Also, the extra help is helpful.)

18. Yes— Kim Taehyung. He's my ultimate crush. He is my crush because there is no one in my real life who is worthy to be crushed on. Like I said I'm pretty conservative, so the most I do is admire cute boys from afar. But in the case I have today, most of these cute boys are just dumb assholes. So why waste my time doing even that? (Can someone finna find my time~) My time and romantic interests are much better spent on Kim Taehyung, who is complex and unique and unpredictable— and yet good-looking and a good person. {just to confirm though. If Taehyung seemed like an asshole too, I also wouldn't like him lol.}

19. Single & proud 😁 I'd wait until college, if that's how long it takes to find *cough* the one. (I can't help waiting for him.)

20. Oh. Well. To be honest, this question is kind of unfair. I'm an ARMY. Taehyung is my crush, but that doesn't mean I want to see him any more than I want to see Jimin or J-hope. So can we just fix all of Bangtan into the mould of one person and say I would take home that guy?

I'm tired.
I'll stop here.

Let's tag 15 people?

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