Car accident

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It was the most horrible experience i ever have. I lost my parents when i was 10 years old. It was always 3 of us. We were the three Musketeers.

I never knew about my grandparents cause my dad said they were married without our grandparent's permission. And my parents didn't have any siblings. Well as a matter of fact my mom was an orphan when they were still dating.

My mom was a 2nd year college and my dad was just a fresh graduate from engineering faculty. They had me 2 years after their marriage. So their first 5 years was the hardest part. Cause my mom was still in her last year college tried her best to finish her education with loan and of course while having me in her womb.

We were move to Seoul when i was 5 years old. Everything seem fine, my mom always by my side taugh me everything i know and still did fine with her online business and my dad had a promotion in central office.

Seoul was blinding and sparkling, the city that full of hope. It was the best year ever, when i first came to this neighborhood. I met my first friend here.

Yep that was the first time i met Taehyung. He's younger than me by a year. We were inseperable, we always played, ate and did everything together. Our parents also had a very good relationship. My mom consider Tae's mom as sister. When Taehyung mom's bussy, she always entrusted Tae in our house.

So when i was 10 my parents had plan to celebrate their 8th years anniversary. They entrusted me in Tae's house. Never knew that it'll be the last time i saw my parents.

They had traffic accident when they were about to get home. There was this crazy motorcycle that went on race that night. It made my dad stop the car in the middle of intersection and the traffic turn red and they get hit by another car.

My dad dead on the spot, but they got my mom to nearest hospital. Everything happened so fast, i went to hospital with Taehyung and his parents.

My mom looked glad when she saw me, she said that she entrusted me to Tae's parents.

The last word i remember was
"Namjoon-ah, my little prince, you have to be strong, i wish you'll live to your fullest. I'm so sorry Namjoon-ah, i can't watch you graduate or married, but i'll always be by your side, my kid, i love you."

I was crying so hard that everthing looks blurry. My mom looked over Tae and she said something to him too. I don't really hear what she said, cause i was crying mess in her arm. Tae said it's about please take care of each other. I was about to hug her when the nurse said she went to shocked and everyone need to be retreated. I saw them on top of my mom doing CPR. I couldn't watched it anymore cause after that everthing went blank and i woke up at Tae's room.

For the first time in my life, i didn't know what will happen to me. It didn't seem real, like i watched other person life. My heart ached so much, could my heart bleed from this heartache. Where should i go? I felt like dying.

I heard someone knocked the door. Little Tae came run to me, he huged me so tight, it began to hurt that i realised this is reality. I cried so hard that Tae started to cry too. Tae's parents watched us from the door, i heard that aunt sniveled in uncle's arm. They came to the bed and sat beside me. Aunty's hand stroked my hair and she kept whispering to my ears that everything will be alright.

After we stoped crying, uncle took my hands."Namjoon-ah, your mother last word said that she entrusted you to us. You already like my own child too, you'll always accepted here okay."

Then aunt spoke slowly while holding her tears "Namjoon-ah. I know you probably worry about what to do. Your parents have some deposits and  insurance under your name, so you'll be able to enter any college you want to pursue your dream."

Aunty put her hands at my cheeks and wiped my tears. " From now on you'll be with us. We will always by your side in your every step. So don't feel alone on your own cause we are also you family. "

I stared at Tae's parents "Thank you uncle and aunty. "

I looked down and watched that Tae still crying in my arms."Tae you cry harder than me. How is it even possible? Please stop crying, you'll get your head hurt"

Tae looked at me with his glassy eyes still tearing his eyes "But you are hurt and it hurt me so much hyung, hwaaaaaa" Tae started to cry again.

I huged Tae harder "it's okay now, look hyung is not crying anymore okay. " i give Tae a lil small and Tae slowly stoped his cry. He looked at me and start to felt asleep at my arm.

"Tae already asleep now, we should go to sleep too. Honey, if you need anything just tell us okay " aunty patted my head and kissed my forehead. They went downstair and left us to sleep.

I watched Tae slept in my arms, he looked calmed now, guess tommorow he'll had swolen eyes. I stroked his hair slowly, i realised they all i have right now.

Tae is younger than me but he always know when i feel troubled. He always by my side eventho i'm not really good at socializing. Well, it's hard to be social while i have jumbled thought inside my head. No one understand me except for Tae. It always had been like this since we first met. He was the first one who tried to approach me. And we got closer everyday after that. He even started elementary school 1 year early because he didn't want to be apart from me. He really made a ruckus back then till aunty allowed him to enter school.

That's why i never bother to find another friend. I already feel satisfied with him as a friend. He always yelled at friends who tried to annoyed me or picked on me. He is small but he always protect me. He is fierce when he needed to be. Like a little puppy dog that will bark when his friends get hurt by others.

I feel blessed to have such a great friend like him. And i feel something started to stir inside my heart whenever i watch him around me.

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