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Namjoon's POV

"Hyungg,, i'm hungry, look at my tummy, my worms screaming, they need to be feed hyung" Tae open his shirt to show me his abs.

"Hyaaa, close it. You'll get sick if you not covering it well" I'm screaming inside keep telling my self and my junior to keep it calm. Patience, patience, remember how the chefs kill cute crab and make an actual food with that adorable sea creature, that's nasty, yeah, sorry to bring you up crabs but this is the only way to make it calm.

"What do you want to eat? Should we call delivery food?" I ask after 10 seconds calming my turmoil mind inside.

"I don't want fast food anymore, we already had fast food for 2 days. Hyung, the most handsome and kindest man in this world, will you cook for me. I really really really want japchae, pleasee hyuung?" Tahyung gives me his puppy eyes. Well that's unfair, he know i can't never say no to that eyes. Tae's parents went abroad for at least 1week. They often travel abroad to get business done. Mom always accompany dad after Tae reach age 14.

"Okay, but lend me a hand, deal? " I raise from my bed and offer my hand to Tae.

"Assa, knew it, you are the best hyung in the world." Tae take my hand gladfully and kiss me on the cheek. I feel heat up around my cheeks. He sometimes do that whenever he feel excited. This is not good, i slowly become greedy for his affection.

I know i really spoil him, but i can't help it, i always love to see him smile. Tae want Tae get it, that's my motto.

We go downstairs and Tae help me prepare the ingridients. He help making rice while i peeling the ingredients and prepare the seasoning.

"Hyung are you thirsty? Here have this water" Tae hold the glass over my mouth. I sip carefully still holding the carrot and knife with both hands. 

"Thanks Tae" we smile at each other.

10 minutes and i'm still trying to chop vegetables. Well i can cook well but prepare tha vegetable is kind of hard for me. I'm not allowing Tae to hold the knife bacause last time he try to help, he slice  his own finger. Yep, he cried so much when we got his finger stitched at ER. He was just 12 years old and he got trauma after that.

"Hyung, are you tired?? Let me massage your shoulder, it looks kind of stiff here" He start to lay his hands over my shoulders. Things i love so much about Tae is he never take my kindness for granted, he always pays it in many kind of ways. He give me affection, he protect me (at least he think so) and always give me support whenever i feel down.

10 minutes later

" Tae, the japchae is ready have you finish prepare the utensils? " I put the hot japchae at the plate and go to ding room.

"All done hyung, the rice cooked perfectly by chef Tae" He smile proudly to me.

" Great, let's eat now " i put the food at table and sit down.

I spoon a rice, waiting for Tae's reaction from my japchae. "How is it?"

"Yuuuum,, it's great hyung like always. You are a greaat cook you know i always love the food you're making me since you were 13. No one else can cook japchae as great as you. Uww, my hyung is the best."  Tae speak after he gulp down his food. What a good manner boy, lol i proud and adore even just with lil things he do.

"Eat up, my cute bear" i smile and start to eat.

"what? why bear? i'm not that fat, it's muscle not fat" Tae pout so cutely.

"no you're not fat, and where is the muscle? i barely can see it, you're so lean. You are my cute bear because you are so warm, cuddly and fluffy although you pretend to be strong or cold just like a winter bear, my cute winter bear" i ruffle his hair fondly.

"Hehe,, then you'll be my tree. Cause i'll always lean on you. Sometimes i feel afraid of future, i can't really study well, without you helped me study i don't think i could passed junior high school last year, and future always scare me but i think i'll make it just fine cause you always stand by me, be my rock whenever hard times come to me, thanka hyung, you are the best thing that ever happen to me." Tae talk slowly looking at his own food. I know he depend on me so much and i love it, but i never know he see himself like that.

"Tae, you are wrong. You are so much more even without me, you are extraordinary and you are very your own self and you should be proud of your self. Not everyone is perfect, maybe study is not your strong side but you are very sociable unlike me, everyone loves you and want to be close to you, but you always shun them off because they couldn't accept me. Don't you see that? You are so adorable and selfless, you keep defended me eventho you are popular ones at school, you are amazing the way you are. And the future will be just fine, we will slowly find our dreams and reach them okay, we will do this together." i hold his hand in my hand, one my other hand hold his chin searching for his gaze to finally stare at mine. I see his eyes brimming with tears ready to drop.

"Hyung, hiks thanks a lot for being my brother and my bestfriends" he reach my shoulder to hug me and cry a little at my back.

"Okay okay, japchae will get cold if keep hugging like this" i pat his back.

" Hehe, okay let's eat again" he pull off, wipe his eyes and start to eat again. He don't know how much i want to kiss him seeing his eyes glassy like that. Patience please, lol i'm just talking at my self.

I take my chopstick and put the last beef  at tae's spoon. It's just a gesture i love to do to him. Whenever we eat together and he like dish, i always put the last one to tae's spoon. He smile to me knowing what i did.

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