Chapter 1

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_______ YAMADA

                           "C'mon ! Gimmie the juiczzz" A Young female wined. "Alright! Alright! Here ya go Aiko." I swung the juice at her face as she grabbed it from my hands. "Can't believe we're staying in a place near your house, ." Aiko says opening the bottle. "What a coincidence, next thing you know, mom invites all of us to dinner in my house, how catastrophic." I say, thinking about it. "Y'know, having a rest near your home sure seems nice, especially if it's in Kayota." A voice said. Our faces faced towards the voice "Harumi?!" I exclaimed. "Yep, it is I, harumi." She'd say putting her hands onto her hips pridefully. "I didn't know you'd actually come!" I gasped, excitedly. "Well, of course I'd come, it'd be boring if I stayed in my house 'sick' doing absolutely nothing while you guys stay somewhere pretty." She exclaimed, waving her hand. "Well you did-" A mic crackle was heard from the gate, "Students, hope you are all aware that we will be departing soon, please go to your assigned buses between bus 1 to 3. Thanks." "Well, this is the time we depart, see you !" "Wait what? Neither of you guys aren't on bus 2?" "Yep, we're both in bus 1, duh." Harumi says, hopping off her seat. "You guys didn't tell me! I could've switched with someone...!" I say shouting back. "Always check your phone!!" Aiko shouted as she waved goodbye boarding Bus 1. "It was low battery.." I said to myself and looked at Bus 1, then quickly moved to Bus 2, sighing.

                          I sat by the window, as I saw Aiko and Harumi both laughing and giggling with a group of people I'm kind of friends with. I tapped at the window trying to make one of them notice, but Aiko nor Harumi noticed, only a girl I only know from Aiko's geometry class waved and nudged Aiko. Aiko did turn around and waved for a bit, but continued to talk to the group, laughing again. I'm sure they aren't laughing at me, come on I know better than this. I say to myself as someone taps me on the shoulder. "Hey mind if I sit here?" A boy my age said calmly staring at me with his strange eyes. "Oh yeah sure." I say smiling softly. "I'm not sure we have met though." I continued. "Oh right, I'm Seito Hadayashi, sort of a new student as I came here mid-term, not very popular either." He'd chuckle. Looking at him, he seems to be an inch taller, pretty handsome too, though his face resembles- "a pleasure to meet you, ______." He says, interrupting my thoughts, what was I saying again? Probably not important. "Nice to meet you too, se-sir." I say as I switch from calling his name to sir, seriously? He sat down smiling. As he sat down I noticed an irregularly large cut at his forearm. "Oh no, are you alright?" I say, pointing at the boy's wound." "Ah, yeah. It's just a scratch y'know?" I looked at him worryingly and started to grab my aid kit from the big bag under my seat. "You don't have to-" "no, no, I got this." making the boy stay quiet as I look for my belongings.   

                                    I grabbed some water and tissues to clean his wound and saw him hide the pain. Nevertheless, I continued helping him as I added an anti infectious substance to the wound and placed the other object at the table flap behind the front seat. I could notice him looking at me in surprise as I wrapped his wound up tight and nice. He looked at me and smiled a bit "thanks, how did you learn this?." He asked, observing the bandage. I smiled back and said "Mom taught me, she's a Doctor working in Tokyo. He nodded until he made a face of realisation, "Aren't you a transfer? I haven't seen such a pretty skin tone as yours." I looked at him and looked at the ground blushing. I knew I felt my hands clutching. I turned to him and smiled a bit. "Y-yeah I'm a transfer. It's really great to meet you-" " Seito! Don't you remember saving a spot for me? Also who's this girl?" A chubby but buff boy a year older walked towards us as a couple of girls staring at Seito and the boy. "I thought you were going to sit with Hitoshi, Kantaro." Seito replied calmly. "But you said that-" "Actually I'll just leave." "Huh?!" Both Seito and Kantaro gasped. "That's right, I probably have mistaken this seat as mine so I decided to sit here." I say, creating a fake smile as I get my bag under the seat and the things I've used to help the boy and begin to leave. The girls I mentioned earlier looked at me in disgust as I took my bags. How I cannot stand liars nor popular men..! In the corner of my eye I see Seito looking at me with disappointment, why'd he even go near me if he was gonna shoo me in the first place? I walk off to another seat hearing the two mumble. "Told you not to.... near them...!." "Shut up Raccoon." Racoon..? I began to think as I sat down. Boys sure are weird.

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