Chapter 2

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                    "We're here!" I cheered looking at the group of girls. They rushed to the destination and immediately took out their cameras and pictured almost everything. "Uhm guys, do be careful, the garden nearby a small slopeside and in a forest, so it's easy to get hurt." I said worryingly. "Bah, don't worry _____, nothing bad's going to happen, oh could I have a look at your map?" Harumi asked, having a strange tone I couldn't pinpoint. "Uhm sure, I suppose there is nothing to worry about." I say as I gave the map to her without thought. I looked at the view of the near sunset at a nearby smooth, small, hillside only blocking with a roped fence. "Hey come look at this view!" I say looking at the sun as my footsteps get nearer. I turned to face the footsteps assuming it was the group but I only found myself under gravity. Ungripped from anything that could stop me.

Fweeek! Rustle.. Rustle rustle THUD.

                               It happened so fast, the first I see myself looking at a wondrous view, only to be slipped or pushed or something to make myself roll into the darkness. Dazed, I "awoke" at a forest that is only growing darker. The cliff wasn't that high, yet I rolled so far from it that it's barely visible. The forest grew a bit foggy than it was before, and it's creepy. I moved my arms, legs, and to check if I could stand up. My arm seemed sorta weak, and my ankle hurt, alot. I moaned in pain as I tried to stand up. I looked around and it's the same old foggy forest. I checked if anything was swelling and saw my ankle looking odd. Oh no. It sprained. I looked for more injuries but I'm sure that was the only one that seems to be the most severe. The Arm? I probably have torn it. I looked around as I started to get anxious. I should've brought my bigger bag just in case I experienced this, it had everything especially the kit I helped the boy with! And I thought that none of this was going to happen at all! I sighed, falling short of my decisions so I only had one thing to do: "HARUMI?" I shouted. "ANYONE! HELLO?" I continued. I sat there waiting for something to happen, nothing. I checked my stachel and the items were in mint condition. I tried to keep it all together, but I felt my throat swelling up, my teardusks starting to water, and my vision going blurry. I'm crying.

I'm lost.

                         Is this how I die? Tears start rolling down as I feel the pain in the wounds and bruises I started noticing from the roll. I huddled up and started to lose hope. I could only hear the callings of the wind and myself weeping. I hate this. I should've listened to Aiko, none of this would've happened. Saying to myself. From then on, silence.

                          A rustling of leaves started to grow closer. I looked around, afraid. The Rustling of the bushes grew nearer, and faster. I turned my head everywhere to find where the noise was, but it was getting fast. Is it going to hurt me? I huddled to at least protect myself to whatever it was. A burst of leaves from my right as I covered my face for protection. I'm going to die anyway.

                          Though surprisingly, nothing happened. I lifted my head seeing a... a... a Fox! I Would've jumped but due to my injuries I sat there, bewildered. The fox approached me cautiously, without making a noise. "A-are you going to e-eat me?" Of course the fox wouldn't answer that, but continued to move towards me. It was a foot away from me or more and I'm getting absolutely scared in each of its steps. The fox observed me. 'Maybe it's laughing inside due to my injuries.' I looked at it and wiped my tears off. The fox looked at me once more and ran off, coming back with a... stick on its mouth. I looked at it in awe as the fox looked at me expecting something? "F-for me?" The fox nodded, it put down the stick an inch closer to my legs. I slowly but surely grabbed the stick. 'It nodded...' I used the stick to help myself up holding it on my opposite hand to balance myself as the fox looked at me patiently. The fox made a weird dolphin noise as if it were to communicate with me. "Uh..." I stood there dumbfounded until it finished it's 'talking.' It turned around and looked at me while moving. It walked until it looked back at me and did a squeal. "Uh, do you want me to do something?" The fox looked at me in disappointment and moved his head from the front to back. "Oh you w-want me to follow you?" It spun around happily as it barked. I went to stand up into a comfortable position and began to walk slowly as the fox gained a bit more speed. Now it seemed he was jogging, if it were a human. The fox hopped from rocks left to right sniffing and searching, a way out? After all, foxes can be a bit tricky when it comes to trusting them as they might lead you to harm or good. Nonetheless, I do have to accept faith anyway, at least the fox kept me from being alone.

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