A Stupid Announcement -_- And Give Me Some Help Pls

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Don't ask.

I'm stupid;_;

I didn't not f*****g realise the The Untamed Fanart are all done-

And now I've to find short stories-

Which is tiring-

And hard as hell-

Since I'm dumb anddd have no inspiration to write my own MDZS stories-

I'm dumb;_;

So readers(if there are) please give me some time to find some stories

Andddd get over my shock-

Thank you;_;-






And I've something to say too UwU

I've an inspiration on a story(not MZDS of course, or it would've been a disaster-_-) and I've drafted 2 chapters and was writing the third when I just realised-

I haven't given the protagonist's (futureeeee) boyfriend his appearance;_;

And I don't know what his hair and eye colour should be ahhhhhhhhhh

I'm going crazy;_;

So please help TwT S. O. S

Comment hair and eye colour suggestions here pls(If there's even readers TwT)

If y'all can give me suggestions, that would be great TwT

Thank you y'all... Even though I only got 5 votes few weeks ago and got 6 more recently-_-Hehe...

Thank you again ahhhhhhhhhhh

Love y'all💖💖


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