Chapter 1- The Tragity and the Joy

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It is the worst day of my life. I was dressed in all black and sitting beside my boyfriend, Abraham, and my sister. My brother had died from a drunk truck driver, smashing his truck. Tears were streaming down all my families faces, including mine. My dear brother, just 17 years old, had died from a car crash. His life was short, but he did a lot of stuff in his life. The Lord called him home.
I looked up at his last picture, I had taken just days before his death. He was dressed in a black button up and khakis. He was also wearing a red tie. The preacher was closing and asked if anyone wanted to speak. I volunteered. As I took time to speak about his life, his testimony, and how he was a great witness to a lot of people, I started to cry, at the end of it. I was escorted off the stage by the pastor. I sat down and we started to pray.
When the pastor ended the funeral, we all went to the graveyard. When I got there, I couldn't bear it and broke down on Abe. He just stood there and comforted me. It was devastating. I lost my dear brother, that was 18 months younger than me. It hit me hard because we were really close. When we watched the coffin get put in the ground my mom broke down on my dad. The only question I had was, Why?
After the funeral, we all went home, and I cried for about two hours on Abe. My mom rested, while my brothers started clearing out his room. He decided to keep a lot of his things. We could pass them on to my younger brothers.
"Hey, Grace, It's ok. Just think where he is now." Abe said trying to comfort me."
"I know, but it is so hard to" I said starting to cry again 'lose a brother."
'I know" Abe said. "Come on we have to get dinner started."
"Ok, but will you stay for dinner? Please.' I asked.
"Yes, but let me text my mom so she knows, I won't be home for dinner." Abe replied.
We ate dinner around 6:30 p.m. We had chicken noodle soup. It was so quiet at the table, and it was kind of awkward. After dinner Abe helped me clean up the kitchen, while we talked. Abe left at 8:00 p.m. So, I decided to tell everyone good night, and head to bed myself.
The next morning, I got up at 7 a.m., because I had a basketball championship. Abe came over with some breakfast, and we ate. Even though I didn't want to go, because of my brothers passing. I told coach I would be there. Around 11:30 Abe and I left.
"Are you ready for today? I can't wait to see you play." Abe asked.
"I don't know. I am still getting over my brother's passing. It hit me hard. He helped me on a lot of stuff. He was helping me build my second hope chest, when he died.
"Hey, I know it has been hard on you, but you always have me. I love you so much." Abe said.
"I love you too" I said.
We walked, holding hands, into the building. The coach and players all said they felt the pain I felt, and I could see it in their faces. They all said they would pray extra for my family and me. When we started playing, this team was tough, but we got used to them and won. The final score was 57-43. After our team talked, I started to walk over to Abe. He started to walk over to me and when we met, he got down on one knee.
"Grace, you've been so enjoyable the last two years. Every time you walk into a room you glow. Will you marry me?" He asked.
"Yes, I will.' I replied. This is one of the best days of my life. I started crying tears of joy.
After his proposal, we left and headed to his house, because we spend Saturdays talking and playing games with his mom. When we got there Abe and I told her, and she was excited. I volunteered to make macaroni and cheese for lunch. Abe helped me get everything out and we started to make it. I went and put it in the oven, and after that I slipped on something. Someone call 9-1-1 was the last thing I heard.

Words count:769

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