Chapter One

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Tom had his eyes shut. His sharp, spiky, brunette hair stained with the blood of the attacking soldiers. He couldn't deny how easy it was to pick them off, but being slightly drunk, he easily told himself it was all the training he had been doing with Edd and Matt, his two best friends. He hummed quietly to fill the silence as he'd already killed all the attacking soldiers, or so he thought.

There was a red army sniper atop one of the buildings awaiting his leader's signal.

Tom didn't notice, pulling a bottle of Smirnoff out of his sweater pocket and taking a large gulp, wincing as the drink ran down his throat like liquid fire. God he hadn't had a drink in ages. "I.. Haaadn't had a drink innn ssoooo long, thanks to you asssholess." He growled drunkenly, it was off to the races now, he glared at one of the corpses. He drew his leg back and harshly kicked the dead soldier's ribs. A loud snap that cut through the air let him know he broke at least one of them.

The sniper still waited, growing a bit impatient and let out a low growl of annoyance but kept his gun trained on the obvious alcoholic.

Tom groaned and moved his hands to his head. "Christ I'm bloody sloshed..." The eyeless Brit mumbled, starting to stumble away, his gaze blurred making him trip over the many bodies he'd strewn all over the ground barely even fifteen minutes ago, amazingly though, he didn't fall, he remained on his feet, for now at least.

The sniper clenched his gun in irritation. "Sir?" He said into the communication device the Red Leader had given him, the undertone of the growl he so wished he could use properly was hardly noticeable. "Patience, I'll give you the signal when I'm ready."  The Red Leader's snarl was so much more presentable, so much more feral. It made the sniper's body tremble with envy and fear. "Yes, Red Leader." He mumbled, moving to look through the scope again.

Tom looked around at hearing faint voices and glared, moving his hand to find his gun. "Wh-whos th-there." He stammered drunkenly.

"Now." The sniper nodded to his leaders command, and shot the dart into his neck, it released a serum that would both cause the drunk severe pain, and paralyze him.

Tom screamed in pain. "But-- I could've swore I killed everyone, what was happening?!" He thought, feeling his knees buckle, causing himself to drop on the ground, tears welling in his eyes and he shrieked again. The agony was sobering, he felt every ounce of alcohol he'd consumed falling to the ground, mixing with his sweat, blood, and tears. He tried desperately to hug himself, to move his hands to get his gun. He wanted this to stop. He wanted to die. It was too much. He clenched his eyes shut and felt hideous sobs leave him. He heard steps approaching and he slowly opened them. The salty tears burned gash on his cheek he didn't even know existed. His eyes widened very slightly at the sight of black boots. "Of course... A trap..." He thought, hating himself for being so ignorant, so stupid. "Classic stupid, Tom." The Norwegian's voice said in his head, he tried to force up some anger, any anger, even the petty reasons that get the others mad. Every excuse to get upset drowned out by his terror. He was weak, pathetic, vulnerable and it was horrifying.

Tord snickered and snatched him up, how he loved the look in his old friend's eyes (or there-lack-of). "Now, now, Thomas~" He purred out. "I'm not going to hurt you any more, today."

Tom thought of everything he hated. Holidays, Diet Smirnoff, being called 'Thomas' or 'Stupid', Tord. He froze and swiftly looked down, he felt asphyxiated, like the fear had its hands around his throat and was squeezing with all its might. He continued to take deep breaths, eventually Edd or Matt would realize he was gone for far too long and then... "They'd get caught too." He thought in horror. Bloody hell, he really couldn't make a move otherwise it'd be checkmate for the rebellion. "Shit." He looked up at the communist's demonic smirk, Tord knew he had no chance just as well as Tom did. "No matter what move we make, its game over..." He thought in horror, feeling his heart start to race and then feeling it drop.

"It's game over anyways."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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