Chapter 3

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I started to walk home after the feds left because 1. I lost my job, and 2. Amanda is too buisy to pick me up.

"Hey, you need a ride?", said someone in the car that just pulled up to the sidewalk where I was and guess who it was?.

"I'm fine with walking", I yelled at Jensen who was in the drivers seat of the car. After I answered him he started to drive ahead of me. I walked up to the stop sign waiting to be aloud to cross, when out of nowhere comes a high speed car turning rapidly around the street corner then stopped right in front of me. My heart was racing fast as I fell backwards.....I am such a clutz. Then Jensen got out of the car, walked to the back seat door on his side and opened it, I guess waiting for me to get in. "Are you guys crazy?, you could have killed me!", I yelled. All they did was smile. But......I dont know why I did it, but I stood up, walked over to the car, and got in, while everyone around us were honking their horns like crazy.

"Sorry about that, Dean can be a real ass sometimes", Blank said looking in the back seat at me then looked back at Dean.

"So you guys do have names I just thought your parents got lazy. So whats yours short stack?", I asked Blank.

"I'm Sam, so whats your address?", asked Sam (Blank).

"Wow! so soon should'nt you ask me out first?", I said grinning.

"Well......I...uhh...", he stuttered,

"I'm just kidding, its a joke", I said, "476 Parkway Drive", I said.

"Okay, now where is that?",asked Dean.

"Well if your FBI should'nt you know where that is already?", I asked, confused.

"We....are.....from...Conneticut", said Sam not really sure of himself.

"Alright here's my next question. What is Conneticut FBI guys doing in the little town of Jacksonville?", I asked.

"Why should we answer your questions is you wont even answer ours?", Dean asked all rude, god he's an ass, then they pulled into my driveway.

"Oh look at the time, thanks for the ride", I said getting out of the car as quick as I could, then ran to my door, but only to find that the feds are following me to my door.

"Are'nt you gonna invite us in?", asked Dean.

"Fine! would you like to...", I said before getting interrupted.

"Thankyou", said Dean walking right into my house. Me and Sam walked in behind him.

"Can I get you anything?", I asked.

"No we're....", Sam tried to say.

"Yeah!", Dean interrupted.

"Okay what do you want?", I asked as nice as I possibly could even though I really want to slap him.

"Bear if you got any", Dean said.

"Okay i'll be right back, and please make yourself comftorble". Then I left.

                                                  ~DEAN'S POV (point of view)

When Krystal left I stood in the kitchen for a second, just looking at the scooby doo clock ticking on the wall. Then I walked into the living room and, Sam followed. "What Sam!!?" I said because Sam was staring at me angrilly.

"Nothing, I just think you could have been a little nicer", Sam said.

"Well I'm sorry that I was'nt kinder to the only person who is linked to Tracy!", I said angrilly at Sam.

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