Chapter 4

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                                                                             Sam's POV

Krystal had just left the room to go upstairs so it was just me and Dean. "Please tell me you know what this thing is?", Dean said.

"I wish I did but I dont, theres nothing in dads journal talking about anything like this", I stopped waiting for a response from Dean but all he did was stare.

"Well that's just great", he said sarcastically. "So what do we do now Sam? run ino those woods looking for some thing we know nothing about", he said angrilly.

"Calm down Dean, maybe we should call Bobby", I said trying to make things a little easier.

"Fine call him! do you need my fuckin' permission?", he was  still...yelling.

"Dean are you okay?", I asked.

"I'm fine why does everybody keep asking me that?", Dean yelled so loud the neighbors probly hear him.

"It's just you've been kind of distracted since you told know...what you did in the pit", I stopped, I might have just taken it to far mentioning Hell.

"It's nothing", he said.

"Dean...", I tried to say.

"IT"S NOTHING! OK? now lets find this son of a bitch so we can leave", he said.

                                                                    Back to my POV

I had gone upstairs when Sam told me we could take a break, I just couldnt be down there anymore it was too much to think about. I started to hear yelling coming from down stairs but I wasn't really in a hurry to get back down there so I got out of my work clothes and threw them into the trash cause its not like I need those anymore. I put on my dark skinny jeans and a v- neck t- shirt and went back down stairs.

"Hey how you feeling?", Sam asked me.

"I'm.....better where did Dean go?", I asked.

"He went outside for some air", he answered.

"Why?", I asked.

"Ummm....well he's just been through alot lately", Sam answered.

"Oh", I muttered.

"I better go get him so you..", I interrupted him.

"Do you mind if I go get him?", I asked.

"Sure go ahead, but I have to ask you...why?", he asked.

"I just think I might know what he's going through", I said before walking out the door.

"I seriously doubt it", Sam muttered to himself while he sat back down.

When I got outside to find Dean I saw him over by his car drinking the beer I gave him earlier. "Hey", I said walking towards him.

"Oh hey, I know what your thinking, what is a cop doing outside worrying about his petty old problems when their are alot more important thingd happening in the world", he said.

"That wasn't what I was thinking, so whats wrong?", I asked leaning against his car beside him.

"Nothin", he answered "Come on lets head back inside", Dean said thennoticed I wasn't following him. "You coming?"

"You go ahead I'm gonna stick out here for a little longer", I said walking towards the lawn and sitting down on the soft, green, grass that glowed in the presence of the moon. I turned around just in time to see Dean go back inside then turned back to look at the stars.

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