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"Breaking news! Two people have gone missing tonight. They where last seen at a local McDonald's. If you see them please call the police!" A news reporter yells into her microphone.

You sigh and put your head into your hands.
"What is happening?" You wonder.
Your town was always a quiet town, there was never any commotion, until now.
Two days ago people started going missing.
First one person went missing and then another one and now two.
You wonder if there's a pattern.

"Mom I'm going to ride my bike!"
You yell as you start walking out the door.

"No! You are not leaving this house! Didn't you watch the news! Aliens are taking over!" Your mom screams at you.

You roll your eyes, everyone in your town is blaming it on Aliens and you think they're crazy.
Your town is filled with weirdos and morons.

"Mom! There is no such thing as Aliens!"
You shout at her.
"Yes there are! Why else would there always be a blue light in the sky before someone goes missing! They're getting abducted!" She panics.

You roll your eyes again.
"The people who went missing probably just went out of town," you think.
This is such a small town that if one person doesn't show up at an event then the town starts freaking out.

"Bye mom!" You yell as you walk into the garage.

"(Y/N)(L/N)! Get back in here right now!" She yells after you.

You put your headphones in and grab your bike. You open the garage and ride down the street.

Gasoline by I prevail blasts through the speakers of your head phones, you hum the tune.

You round the corner and the woods come into view, you smile to yourself. You love the woods, it's so peaceful.
You leave your bike beside a tree and walk into the depths of the woods. You smile as the trees block out most of the sunlight. Only ribbons of sunlight gets through and it creates little sun beams that shine around you.

You walk deeper into the woods, there's an abandoned house by a stream and that's where you go to clear your head. You've never taken anyone with you to this location, this place is just for you.

You smile as you hear running water, you pick up your pace and round the corner.
You feel like someone's watching you but you shrug it off, it's probably just a squirrel or something.

You skip happily to the abandoned house.
The house is in the middle of a meadow, so you look around at the cute little flowers that have bloomed.

Suddenly, you trip and fall straight on your face.

"Ow," you groan as your roll over onto your back.
You sit up and look for the thing you tripped on and that's when something catches your eye.
There is something shinny on the ground. You get onto your knees and look at it. It looks like a little metal tracker, it has a blue light that's flashing.
You raise an eyebrow as you pick it up.

"What are you?" You ask as your eyes scan the object.

You have never seen anything like this object. It looks so much more high tech than anything you have ever seen.
You push a button on the front of it and it makes a loud siren noise.
You scream and throw it away from you, it starts lighting up.

"What the fuck!" You yell.

The circular object stops flashing as you stand up. You cautiously walk towards it.
You bend over and pick it up. You slip it into the pocket of your jeans.

You hear something move in the bushes and you jump. You look over but there's nothing there. You still have the strange feeling that you're being watched.
You decide that you need to get out of the woods.
You run as quick as you can out of there.

You see the street up ahead and you sprint towards it.
You hear footsteps running behind you.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you think as you increase your pace.

You grab your bike and speed off down the road.
You don't bother to look back, you need to get as far away from the woods as possible.

You race home, you're sweating and panting. Your legs hurt but you ignore the pain as you peddle even faster.
You stop peddling as you go down a hill.
Once you see your house in the distance you let out a sigh of relief.

You open the garage and place your bike inside.
You unlock the door to the house and slam it behind you.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Your mom asks when she sees you.
"Nothing mom. Just had a good bike ride," you lie as you wipe the sweat from your forehead.
"Well that's good," she says with a smile.

You smile and kiss her on the cheek as you walk up stair to your room.

You lock yourself in your room and sit down at your desk.
You take the object out of your pocket and examine it again.
Your baffled by the object, it's so strange looking.

You sigh as you place it in your drawer.
You turn on your stereo and lay in bed.
Your going to have to find out what that object is at some point but right now you need to clear your head.

"Aliens don't exist," you chuckle as you look over at your desk door.

"How silly," you laugh.

You pull the sheets over your body and smile to yourself as you drift off.

"There's no such thing as Aliens," you repeat.

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