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(Your point of view)

You open your eyes slowly. You breath in and cough. The air tastes weird and unnatural.

You look around and realize you're in a huge bedroom.
You try and move your arms and legs but you realize you're tied to a chair.

"What the," you huff as you try and tug your arms from the chair.

You hear someone groan and you look over towards the huge king sized bed.

You watch as the same man from the diner sits up in bed and rubs his eyes.

You stare at him uncomfortably.
Why are you tied to a chair in his room?

The man looks over at you and smiles.

"You're up," he grins.

You nervously look away from him.

You hear him shuffle around in the bed and you look over.

The man gets out and you realizes he's in his underwear only.

He walks over to you and crouches down in front of you.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Confused," you mutter.

The man nods.

"I have some explaining to do. Let me get dressed and then I'll show you around the house," the man smiles.

You nod nervously.

The man walks into his walk in closet and you wiggle your legs.

"I don't think I told you my name," the man calls from the other room.

You shake your head even though you know he can't see you.

"I'm Chris," he shouts.

You nod.

"(Y/N)," you reply.

"I know," he chuckles.

You shiver, you don't like the fact that he knows so much about you with out you even meeting him.

"Can you untie me?" You ask him when he walks back out in black jeans and a knit sweater from killstar.

"I don't know. Are you going to run? I'm not really in the mood to play chase today," Chris tells you.

"I-I won't run," you mutter.

Chris nods.

"If you do you'll be in big trouble," Chris warns.

You resist the urge to roll your eyes.

Chris kneels and unties you from the chair.

You shake out your numb limbs.

Chris stands up and extends one of his hands to you.

You hesitantly grab his hand and allow him to help you up.

Chris walks with you out the door of his room.

You look down the long hallway.

"Marble floors," you mutter to yourself as you look down and feel the smooth material against your feet.

"Like them?" Chris asks.

You nod.

Chris does a little glide down the hallway.

"They're fun," he says as he motions for you to follow him.

You follow him down the halls.

You look around and look for an exit so you can start planning your escape.

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