The date🤫 part 2

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Lizzy's POV:
I looked at Benny with puppy dog eyes, when I was back there listening to him say those things I was happy to think that he really loves me and no one can stop him even if he has to die. I would do that too. Man this boy is everything and bold😍

Benny: what babygirl? Are you still sad? Do I have to beat they're asses?
Liz: *giggles* no Benny I'm just happy you said that to them, didn't you already kicked Phillips ass?
Benny: well that was half I didn't even hit him, just one time🥺
Liz: your so fucking ADORABLE

Benny blushes. I hear the boys except Squints and Yeah-yeah come up to us.

Ham: I'm really sorry I judged you Lizzy...
DeNunez: I'm sorry seem pretty cool
Timmy: sorry for being a jerk...any friend of Benny's is a friend of ours.
Tommy: yeah any friend of Benny's is a friend of ours.

Everyone said sorry. I looked at Squints and Yeah-yeah and they look mad. I ignore.

Liz: thanks guys I appreciate it...umm can you keep a secret?

Everyone nods.

Liz: I'm Benny's secret Girlfriend

I whisper so Squints and Yeah-yeah don't listen. They all looked surprised but then they had a smile on there face. We all laugh

Benny: can we stop talking and head to the festival???

Benny's wine is cute. I laugh😂

Liz: okay you big baby let's go

We head to the fair. Since it was night there was lights with lots of colors:

We get to one of the roller coasters but the boys are too scared

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We get to one of the roller coasters but the boys are too scared...they're excuse was "we're see we can't go on that Scary Roller coaster" me and Benny laughed. We took some photos and rode the coaster all I can hear is Benny's screaming

Benny: AHHH 2m later AHHH

I just laugh so hard I was crying.
We got off the ride and I'm still laughing 😂

Liz: Benny! Haha! I- haha! can't- haha! Breath hahaha🤣🤣🤣

Benny: it's not funny😞

Liz: I'm- hahaha! So- hahaha! Sorry ahaha

Benny smirks and he picks me up on to his shoulder and puts me back down on a chairs and he starts tickling me. I hate being tickled he knows that😡

Liz: Benny!!! *laughs* stop!!! *laughs* you- *laughs* know- *laughs* I can't breath!!

He stops tickling me.😡😡
Benny's POV:
She had the cutest laugh. Her smile was perfect. I couldn't stop tickling her. Till I know she couldn't actually breath, so I stoped. She was mad cause I know she doesn't like getting tickled. I laugh and she ignores me. She crosses her arms and looks the other way. She's toooo cute🥺. I turn her head with my hands and she's has the cutest mad face. I kiss her and she kisses back I pull away.

Benny: ha I got you😉

Liz: that's not funny😒

I hold her in my arms.

Benny: see now you know how I felt😄

Liz: I'm sorry but your cute😚

She kisses me and I kiss back. She's so perfect I don't know what will happen if I didn't meet her.
Lizzy's POV:
We the got on more rides and eat then more rides. It was 12:55 and the fair was about to close so we all head home. Benny stayed with me since my dad is gone. Then we fell asleep

Word count: 572

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