Dad fight😭😡

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I started crying even more. My dad screaming at me made me cry. Then I saw Benny getting mad and mad even more when my dad yelled at me.

Benny's POV:
I was behind Lizzy just listening to her dad yelling at her I got mad even more when he yelled even louder. So I went up to him and yelled back.

Benny: I know I wasn't there when her mom died but i would've done anything to make her still be alive! What did you do when you saw when her mom was holding the gun to her head?! Why didn't you stop her?! I know you needed money for the food but you don't have to work every single second of the day and you don't have to work every single fucking day! I've seen her suffer in pain when you didn't come from work! I saw her suffer in pain when you weren't there with her! I saw her cry every night cause she thinks she will never be good enough! That's why I always come over! So she can't cry no more! I would've believed her when she said she was happy! But I will also make sure that she was actually happy! You can't just believe her you need to understand why she's faking it! I still believe she will be
happy one day! But that may never happen cause of all the bullshit you have! I don't believe she can be a normal girl cause she is too good and amazing to be normal! She doesn't have to be normal to be perfect! I wasn't there when she died but if I was I would've had stopped her from pulling the trigger! I was actually there ever since she was my friend I was there every night! She cried into my shoulder or chest! Unlike you I check up on her! I try to understand what's happening in her life! I wasn't here but if she was getting bullied I would've beat there asses or stuck up for her! I was there I was just being pulled back from one of my ex friends! When she was running home I caught up to her and helped her nose and and bruises! I took care of her! I just couldn't cause I was being hold back away from her! I truly love her! I don't want that one thing! I don't want to have sex with her! I want to make sure she's happy and protect! I want her to feel safe! I want to be with her cause u love her! If she gets pregnant i wouldn't leave her I would help her! I would take care of the baby! I would be happy to me a dad knowing that she's the mom! But did you really truly loved her?! If you haven't tried killing yourself then why do you have scars on your wrists just like Alissa?! You sticked with her cause you needed someone else to suffer! You wanted to know she was in pain! You wanted her in pain so you wouldn't have to be in pain! You just wanted yourself to be happy! You wanted to leave her alone! You wanted no one else in your life! But you knew she was gonna be in pain so you sticked with her so you can see her suffering and that's makes you ducking happy seeing someone else! For fucking god damn she's your daughter! If you don't love her anymore than just leave! You probably won't cause you'll think if you leave you would have to feel the pain all over again! Just never fucking touch her again! She doesn't need you!

Dad: she needs me in her life!

Benny: she doesn't need you! You basically weren't in her life when she was 5! She doesn't need you, you need her! Just fucking leave!

I hugged Benny still crying. He wiped my tears.

Benny: don't cry okay

I nod

Benny: umm you know the best way to stop thinking about something is...Sex

I nod. We both head to my room and we had sex and he didn't use a condom again.

Word count: 745

Hey sorry if you wanted the sex part it's 1:57 and I'm making this so yea. Why am I doing this no one is gonna read this. Well if you are thank you and see you maybe tomorrow.

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