Chapter Nine

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Harley stood there frozen and watched Peter run off towards the direction of the car. Now, he should have been worried and concerned on why in the world Peter was chasing after the car.

But he wasn't. At the moment he was filled with too much shock and excitement to process anything going on outside his world.

So instead he walked over to a nearby bench and did his best to calm down the blush he had.

He heard someone coming towards him but didn't care much. If they were here to kill him, then at least he'd die happy knowing that his crush kissed him.

He couldn't return the affection but still, you can't just ruin this man's happiness!

The unknown human sat on the bench and spoke with a smirk. "He seems like a good one."

"He is. Wait a mi- wha- why were you following me!?"

Tony raised a brow at his son. "I'm Tony Stark. Why wouldn't I?"

"You followed me on a date." Harley seethed, annoyed at his father. Out of nowhere someone else popped up, hanging upside down a tree.

"Well you can't blame him for caring. Plus we wanted to make sure Peter wouldn't break your heart or something." Before Harley could respond, another human popped from behind a light pole.

"We mainly followed for the love~ And would you look at that you got your first kiss."

"Bucky! Clint! Who else followed?!" Another figure showed themselves, more specifically two brothers. Harley groaned.

"If it makes you feel better," Loki sipped a cup he was drinking from. "My brother and I got distracted by your Midgardian food."

"But do not worry Son of Stark! We did not miss the shared affection your loved one gave." Harley hid his face and groaned. If only a portal could suck him out of existence right about now.

"Don't worry champ!" Tony patted Harley's back. "Nothing could be worse."

"How did you guys even find out that I had a date?!"

Before anyone could reply another figure popped out of nowhere. "Your dad modified FRIDAY to record anything big going on in your life. So as soon as he heard the word date and crush it was recorded."

"Sam?! Swear if one more person appears I am gonna-"

"What are you guys doing here?!" Steve came by just in time... or maybe that was a bad thing. "I thought I told you guys to leave Harley alone."

Harley stayed quiet before letting out a scream. "Who's next Bruce?!"

"Nah, he was being a wuss. But we're totally gonna tell him about this." Tony replied.

Harley huffed and walked away from his family. He had no time to deal with this.

No time.


Oh gosh, I actually did that?!

Peter, now in his costume, webbed the car and strained to keep it from rushing off. He quickly stuck multiple webs in the tires sticking it to the road and stopping.

The driver waddled out the vehicle and leaned against the car, shaking from shock. Apparently, the brakes weren't working and the gas pedal got stuck.


Spider-Man made sure the driver was safe and waited for the sound of sirens to come closer before swinging off. He sat on top of a building and sat there staring into the abyss.

"Hey Karen?"

"Yes Peter?"

"Did I actually kiss him?"


Peter laughed and laid down. I did it. I really did it. Peter smiled. What a great first date.


"Yeah?" He said with a goofy smile.

"I apologize for ruining your moment but would you like to know who followed you on your date?"

Peter quickly sat up and checked his watch. "Right. Sorry about that Karen! Uh... show me the results."

A small hologram appeared above the smart watch and presented four silhouettes. "All four figures appear to be male but weren't armed."

Peter clicked on the first silhouette. Karen quickly scanned any information on the web about the figure.

"Samuel Thomas Wilson. Would you like to hear more information about him?" Peter's eyes widened at the name. He snapped his fingers, trying to surface any information he had.

"Wait- wait- wait. Isn't he... The Falcon. In the Avengers?!" He spoke slowly, trying to take this information in.


"How are you so calm about this?" Peter muttered.

"Well, I am a robot but if it makes you feel better I am slightly worried."


"Why would the Avengers be following two 'normal' teenagers?"

"Oh no," Peter muttered, panicking slightly. "Do you think they know?"

"I am unsure. Should I check for any information."

"No not yet. Tell me who the others are."

"James Buchanan Barnes, Clinton Francis Barton, and Anthony Edward Stark."

"Eh?!" Peter rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You're telling me Sam: The Falcon, Bucky: The Winter Soldier, Clint: Hawkeye, and Tony Stark AKA Iron Man. Followed two random teenagers' first date?!"


"Karen take note on how I'd like my body disposed."

"Peter!" Karen scolded. Peter chuckled tiredly.

"Oh gosh. What am I gonna do?" Peter laid down on the rooftop. "Well, if the Winter Soldier came along then maybe they won't take me away? Cause I mean, he used to work for the bad guys. But now he's saved so..."


"What if this has to do with me being Spider-Man? Swear if they start getting on my back about being too young-"

"What if it's about Harley?" Peter pondered over Karen's statement. Should he search up *cough* hack *cough* info about him?

Then again, it'd make him seem like a stalker or something. Plus he didn't wanna invade his crushes' privacy.

Peter sighed. "You know what! I'm not caring anymore. Unless they approach me or stalk us again then that's when I'll care. But for right now, I wanna live a normal life! I just wanna have a crush without someone murdering me!"

"What about Spider-Man?"

"Oh, Spider-Man's staying! No way am I giving that up!" Peter left the rooftop and swung around the city, helping any other citizens in danger.

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