Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Kay flung open the door and stepped into the afternoon sunlight, taking in a huge breath of fresh air to clear her spinning mind. Vector and Espio were right behind her.

“Do you mind telling me what that was all about?” Vector asked her. He sounded irritated. Kay glanced at him for a moment and then looked at the city. Naugus’ words still rang in her head. Emerald’s Chosen…she frowned seriously and said, “I need to talk to Knuckles.”

“I’ve been trying to contact him for days,” Espio replied. “I haven’t gotten a response.”

Kay paused to think. Knuckles had been in the city when she first arrived, which meant that someone else had to be guarding the Master Emerald in his absence. Someone she had met when she jumped out of Eggman’s carrier and onto the island.

She looked at Espio. “What about Valdez?”

Espio seemed confused. “What about him?”

“He knows a lot about the Master Emerald, right? He guards it when Knuckles is gone?”


If I can’t talk to Knuckles, I should talk to Valdez, she decided. Then she asked, “Could you try to contact him for me?”

Espio looked at her carefully, skepticism written all over his face. Kay knew he was still having a hard time believing that she could see the future, but she also knew that he’d wanted to find out why. That was the reason he had been trying to get in touch with Knuckles in the first place. The chameleon averted his gaze from her to look at Vector for a moment. Finally his golden eyes made their way back to her and he nodded slowly. “I will try.”

“Thank you,” Kay replied with relief. Espio turned from her and began to make his way back to Freedom HQ outside the city limits. Kay let him go a few paces before she started to follow.

“Kay.” Vector’s voice stopped her in her tracks. She briefly remembered how she had run off at the concert and turned to him slowly. He seemed both baffled and hurt. “What was that…with Geoffrey…?”

“I know how that must have looked back there, but…” Kay paused. How was she supposed to explain this? Vector had no idea that Geoffrey wasn’t really Geoffrey. “I just met him today.”

Vector observed her for a second or two. “Where were you? Were you with him this whole time?”

Kay remembered how Naugus had left her alone for quite some time. “No.”

“Why did you run off without telling me?”

“You were preoccupied with Team Freedom. I didn’t want to intervene.”

“You know you almost gave me a heart attack, right?” Vector asked her. She looked at him sadly. She knew how much she must have worried him when she left without saying anything, but she also didn’t have time to talk about it right now. She needed to talk to Valdez.

“Look, Vector,” she sighed, “I’m sorry I made you panic, but…” Again the words were there. Emerald’s Chosen. Why was something in her heart telling her that name was was important? “I need to talk to someone from Angel Island.” With that being said, she turned from him and started walking in the direction of HQ.

“Why?” Vector spoke up again from behind her. She heard him hurrying to catch up so he could walk by her side. He gazed down at her in confusion. “What did Geoff tell you?”

“Things have changed. I might be…” Kay stopped herself. She thought about what it would look like if she told him of her supposed title and ended up not being it after all. She shook her head. “Never mind.”

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