Le Gasp

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PJ was surprised, and thought of a curse word he knew... it took him a minute to remember, but then he remember what Fell said when he had elbowed the kitchen doorway, and he yelled "FUCK!"

Error ran over to PJ "what did you just say?!"

PJ feigned a surprised, offended and sad look "what..? I didn't do anything... it was Fell!" He pointed at the red skeleton across the room, who had been minding his own business

Fell looked offended and angry "what the hell kid?! I didn't say anything! Error, while I admire how great a liar your kid is, he's lying definitely lying to you."

Error shook his head, and scolded Fell for blaming a child for him screaming and cussing around children

Baby Ink made a mad face at PJ, who was still holding him. PJ however was proud of himself and liked what he had just done.

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