ishimondo - mr. loverman

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Ishimaru stared at the ceiling of his personal bedroom in the giant, oddly-designed building. The twelve students had just returned from one of the most traumatic things that's ever happened in Taka's entire life. The parental pressure and insecurity he felt throughout his life felt like nothing in that moment. His entire body seemed to cramp and crack up, and nothing seemed real anymore. He wanted to cry his eyes out, he wanted to scream until he couldn't anymore, but he'd already done that. He didn't have the energy or the vocal cords to scream anymore. The only thing he could do was stare.

He gripped tighter to the fabric clutched into his hands as the image flashed back into his mind.

"Taka... don't forget me after all of this is over. And do me a favor... please stay alive. Even if you can't help it, just promise me that you'll leave this world as a better man than I was. Don't give up on getting yourself out of this shithole. You deserve to get out of here more than any of us... in my opinion, at least."

Taka's eyes swelled up until his entire vision was clouded and the droplets couldn't help but stream messily down his pale cheeks and out of his ruby eyes. "No. No no no no no, you can't go through with this! I won't let him do this to you! I'm not letting you die!" He yelled, gripping onto the cold metal wires of the chain fence until his knuckles turned white.

Mondo gave him one last glance, with a warm smile and one last glint of his lavender eyes glistening with tears before he turned back to that stupid monochrome bear awaiting him an ironic and humiliating death.

All Taka could do was scream, he screamed as loud as he could, getting every emotion out of his system, every tear, every crack of his vocal cords, until he broke. He collapsed on the ground and cried puddles into the ground, not being able to look at the sight anymore. That stupid fucking Monokuma, killing his best friend right in front of his eyes.


With his beautiful light purple eyes that reminded him of the tulips his mother would plant in front of their house when he was a toddler, only for her to have disappeared shortly after with no memory of how.

With his eyeliner that he did in the morning, which Taka still didn't understand why. It really made his eyes look all the more beautiful, though.

With his unbreakable promises and how trustworthy he is. He couldn't do you wrong in any situation once you've given him your trust, and he's given you his. He just always had a way of making you feel so safe, like nothing could ever go wrong in your life ever again with one simple hug from behind. He could wipe away any pain with a simple warm touch.

And he was being executed right before his eyes.

As the execution neared its end, a familiar long-tailed jacket had drifted over his shoulders. The collar popped, and the purple and gold linings over the edges seemed so much dimmer than how bright they shone traced along Mondo's back.

With one final cry of pain, they had been dismissed back to their rooms.

And now he was here. Clutching Mondo's biker jacket as if it were the only thing that existed on the entire Earth. Like it was the only the thing he had left, the only way he could go on or ever be happy again.

But it didn't. It didn't fill him with hope that they'd get out of here alive. It just made him want to scream more. It made him want to punch the walls in, as if Mondo would greet him on the other side or something.

He didn't ask for this. He didn't ask to be a part of a game full of murder and loss. He didn't ask to fall in love with some tall and muscular biker that always kept his word. He didn't ask for him to die, and he didn't ask to feel so hopeless afterwards, either.

He didn't ask for this. He just wants Mondo back. He wanted to start their last words over again, hold each other, make each other feel like nothing bad could ever happen, and stare into each other's eyes just like they used to. He wanted to laugh together one last time, call each other dumb nicknames like "bro" and "dude" and make stupid show references. He wanted to do those random little competitive challenges they did for fun, just one more time, just give him one more chance.

He's not a killer.

Mondo wouldn't hurt a fly.

He was just keeping his promise.


804 words lol. happy late birthday mondo, im gonna hurt ur bf

anyways this was just a small angst idea i got in the middle of the night. i was listening to mr. loverman the whole time i was writing this i'll have you know

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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