Chapter 15: Syringes

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Canada POV

NZ: So I found a way to remove the side affects and help you full revert back into a human, but I'm gonna need your blood.

C: You sound like Ame.

NZ: What does that mean?

USA: His blood taste really good.

As we were walking down the street to the bus stop, Kiwi found a potion recipe on the wiki she could brew up for me, but needed some of my blood. This would pose a challenge, as we have no access to a syringe.

C: I'd love to give you my blood, but we just don't have a syringe.

NZ: Don't worry, we could just ask Mr. Yugoslavia. He does heroin during the lunch breaks.

C: Why do you know that?

NZ: That's not important, what is important is the blood. I'll get the syringe, and you make the blood.

USA: And can I have a small bit of blood?

C: No.

USA: Pretty please.

C: Maybe.

Soon the bus arrives and we all get on. I go to sit with Germany and Denmark.

C: Yo, what's up guys!

DK: Not much. Germany is busy crushing on your brother as usual.

G: He'

I go to sit down but no matter which way I sit, it's uncomfortable. My tail is in the way and the only way to make it comfortable is to let it loose. So instead I prop myself up with my leg. I get weird looks from Denmark before explaining what happened this morning.

DK: So you're stuck partially transformed?

C: Yeah. I don't really like it. But luckily Kiwi looked up a potion to revert the effects. It requires my blood though.

DK: And how are you gonna get that. Use your oversized leech of a brother?

C: No. We're gonna use a syringe from-

DK: Let me guess. Mr. Yugoslavia?

C: Uh, yeah! How'd you know.

DK: He does heroin during the lunch breaks.

(Author's Note: Sorry for blowing up everyone's notifs recently.  The spirit of countryhumans has possessed me and is commanding me to write)

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