{14} Recovery

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Your eyes fluttered open from the sunlight that shined directly on you. 
Once your eyes adjusted to the lighting, you looked around, inadvertently sinking into the bed from realization. Your mind was so close to being clouded by sadness again but when you tried to move you found yourself stuck. Making you look down and come face to face with a fast asleep Mirio on your lap. You inhaled sharply and thinned your lips out on instinct. Very close to letting out a fangirl scream. He was sleeping on your lap! It was by far the cutest sight in existence. You slowly exhaled to not cause any sudden movements. He was drooling slightly, but you really didn't mind. 

You then tried to sit up straight since you were slouched over, but immediately regretted it when your back moaned in pain. A whimper escaping your lips which caused Mirio to stir on your lap. You froze in place and glanced down at him just as his own eyes fluttered open. Not even daring to move as fear took over you.

Mirio lifted his head up slightly, recognizing where he was and why, but didnt allow his thoughts to dwell on it. He plopped his head back down onto your lap and this seemed to turn the gears in his head. His eyes shot open and he squeezed what he thought was a pillow but really was your hips. Your eyes widened and your heart might as well have stopped from the action. Mirio immediately lifted himself up with his arms and stared straight at you. Faces mere centimeters apart before he too yelped and scooted back and away from you.

"S-sorry (Y/N)! I thought you were a pillow! You're really comfy... I couldn't even tell the difference... I mean, that was really inappropr!-" 

You laughed. At first softly but then you just started balling the more Mirio spoke.Mirio stared at you with only confusion written on his skin, until he too started to laugh. Now the both of you laughed through the air as the seconds went by. Eventually gasping for air while you wiped away a tear.

"I'm sorry Mirio. I really just found the situation funny." You grinned towards the blonde. "- but don't worry about it!"

Mirio smiled back at you. The embarrassing tension was far gone by now, but for some reason he felt a massive tug at his heart when he looked at you. It was weird.  A feeling he couldn't really comprehend, but it felt good. You hopped off the bed and looked back at your favourite sun.

"I'm sure you're hungry. I'll be right back with some food." You smiled once more and left Mirio's room. Only then allowing your insides to do their double flips and cart wheels. You had the most childish smile plaguing your lips as you went to fetch Mirio some food. The moment replaying in your head over and over. 

Once you had the items in hand you made your way back to his room, but before you could walk in you heard Mirio and Midoriya speaking. Mirio's booming voice echoed through the door. You wouldn't have even thought that he lost his mentor just a few hours ago.

This was where he accepted Sir Nighteyes death. You clenched the tray of food in your hands. Biting down on your lip and squeezing your eyes shut to keep yourself from completely crying. You needed to stay strong for Mirio's sake. It was going to be hard, but you had to try your best. With one quick sniff of the nose you composed yourself before walking in.

"I'm back!~" You sang as you smiled towards them both.

"Oh (Y/N)! Good morning!" 

Midoriya sputtered out when he saw you. You smiled back at him as you gave Mirio his food.

"Hey Midoriya~" 

"Aha! You got me apple juice! That's my favourite! Thank you (Y/N)!" 

Mirio chirped as he opened his juice like a little kid. Midoriya couldn't help but sweatdrop at the sight of a grown boy fiddling with a boxed apple juice with his tongue out; you on the other hand were struggling to stay put and not glomp the damn boy with all his cuteness. 

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