h / hollow

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h / hollow

I carry our coffees to the table she had chosen to sit at.
Our table was situated on the left side of the café, wedged against the corner where two windows met. Placing the coffees carefully on the table, I sit across her - pulling my coat closer around me.

A slight breeze escapes through the old single-glaze windows - hissing as it passes through the glass and window pane.

She sits across me, seemingly unaffected by the breeze hitting her neck.

I watch her as her fingers skim across the large coffee mug in front of her. Before, I had only seen her eyes - her blue, blue eyes - and her hair.

Now, as I absorb the rest of her face I realize that her facial features are rather inadequate, some may even go so far as to call them ugly.

Her nose too big.

Her cheeks too hollow.

Her lips too small.

No matter how unconventional her face may be, I can't seem to look away.

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