The nomus Attack

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Screams...screams we're everywhere Kirishima was in unbreakable he was past his limit the nomu was powerful dust was everywhere surrounding everything and anyone that was there and the pressure was on the nomus first slammed down Kirishima put his arms up above his head making an'x' with them blocking the nomus attack but the monster pushed back down not letting him up then kirishima he heard a loud explosion knowing who it was "bakugo"
Kirishimas voice was weak and low his body started to unharden as the nomu took his fist up and *BAM* everything went black as Bakugo watched the nomus fist slam down on the poor redhead and he went off he cupped his hand and let out the biggest explosion that made both of his hands lock up as deku jump threw the dust to try and finish off the nomu as mina sero and Denki ran at the nomu trying to save there groups light and joy as what used to be happy memories turned sad Bakugo knew this was bad and he was probably dead tears ran down the boys face he's body hurt but he didn't give a shit and took off as anger filled his head as he jumped at the nomu and made explosions go off even tho it hurt like hell he needed to save Kirishima he would never admit it but he loved that dumb ass he was clam around him felt safe kirishima understood what went on with his head he couldn't loss him not now he couldn't take it since his moms death everything has gone wrong denki tried suicide because he lost the love of his life shinso from a car crash mina is trying to get over cancer it's not to bad she can still fight it and do pro work but Bakugo knows soon it would ruin her line of work and sero he's trying to keep mina happy making sure she doesn't push her self to far but depression getting to him
Sero wrapped up the beast while denki tried to electrocute the nomus but he went over his limits and went dumb the nomu tried to hit him with his free arm but before it hit him Mina grabbed him and moved him out the way before it was to late the monster tried to move his other arm but it was stuck in the ground still on top of kirishima bakugo landed back on the ground and looked at his now bleeding hands as Deku yelled "SSSMMMMAAAAASSSHHHH" and hit the beast on the head making blood spill from the nomus head  as it fell to the ground and Deku started to fall passed out bakugo used his explosions and grabs him as more blood fell from his hands but he wasn't worried about himself as the cops and ambulances rushed in making sure everyone is ok Mina sero and denki had a few cuts but Sero had a pice of metal in his stomach and denki the worst thing that happened to him was his broken arm Mina was ok a few deep cut here and there but one of her eyes cut hopefully it's not to deep bakugo thought as he held Deku in his arms and looked down at him both of his arms and legs were broken it reminded him of when they were at UA when he was rude and mean to this nerd and that's were he first met..."KIRISHIMA!!" Bakugo yelled as one of the drs took Deku away from him he saw kiri picked up in old pro fatgum arms and didn't think twice he took off to him but the cops stopped him before he could get to close because of his own injuries but bakugo didn't care he needed to see kirishima she shoved them to the ground to get to the redhead his blood was all over fatgum he was dyeing bakugo took kirishima from fatgum and looked around at all the ambulances they would take to long to get there there's already a wave of people blocking the way so Bakugo ran and didn't stop he keep going his body begged him to stop but he didn't listen he was breathing heavily running past people as blood started to soak threw his hero costume but he finally made it to the hospital faster then the ambulance would as drs took him away bakugo watched as they tried to bring the boy back to life he was on his death bed one of the drs said but finally they got a plus weak but there bakugo had a small bit of hope when he heard about the plus and the drs pushed the boy out into the waiting room while they tried to bring Kirishimas life back

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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