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Ye Jin leaned more into my embrace- reminding me how vulnerable she really was. At that moment, for her sake- I became a nice resting place, like a thick blanket.

I truly wanted to become someone Ye Jin could look at and trust. I was going to become a reliable man just for her. Placing my arm over her shoulder, I pressed my clean-shaven right cheek on her forehead only to realize that she had fallen asleep.

"Ya, Son Ye Jin? Are you sleeping?", shaking her slightly with a weak pinch at the side of the arm I tried waking her up. Feeling completely dumbfounded by her aloofness. We were just having a 'serious' conversation as people would call it; about an ex that had broken her heart.

Not knowing what to do next I stayed still, letting her sleep her tiredness out. It was a good 10 minutes before I felt her stirring in her sleep, probably due to the neck pain caused by the awkward position we were both in.

I still remember how her eyebrows pulled into a tiny frown and the way her lips turned into a grumpy pout. Ye Jin rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand before looking at me- still very evidently frowning. She held her stare on me and the pout developed deeper- now she just looked angry. The kind of anger that people got before they caused some trouble.

"Ye Jin?" I unconsciously backed away, keeping a slight distance from the drunk being. I knew that face- we had gotten drunk together countless times and it always fell back to this one conclusion.

Thanks to my great understanding of my heavily drunk Ye Jin, I almost immediately turned her face towards the asphalt concrete, away from me. And then it happened, with one violent contraction the congealed contents of Ye Jin's stomach emerged under the streetlights, nothing seemed to have digested fully since the evening before.

I didn't forget to hold her hair back while she gagged a few more times trying to get rid of all the alcohol in her stomach. The watery liquid splashed over the road, ever so slightly missing my new Jimmy Choo shoes. I heaved in relief that my wisdom had saved my very expensive shoes from a stinky mess.

How I gained that wisdom? Trust me, you wouldn't want to know.

After regurgitating all of the contents, Ye Jin looked at me- still with a grumpy frown. I stared back at her for a few seconds not knowing how to respond to her constant silent banters. Ye Jin abruptly stood up almost losing her balance, lucky for her I was there right by her side.

I automatically snaked my arms around her tiny ant waist trying to steady her as she swayed side to side in attempts to walk to god knows where. We 'walked' straight ahead for a good three seconds before she turned back at me. Her expression was unreadable for a second and then her eyes traveled to the top of my head.

"Ya! You fucking cockroach! How dare you cheat on me!"

I would be lying if I were to say that I didn't expect this. Drunk Ye Jin equated to violent Ye Jin and the victim that night was me- just like always.

In a split second both her hands flew to the top of my hair grabbing a fistful of my already short hair. The pain settled in as she pulled my hair off its roots making me shout out loud.

"Men are dogs! They are just roaches!", her hands held their strong stance while her feet wobbled around pulling me around along the way.

"You...You guys are...are" She paused for a second, trying to find other words to describe her dissatisfaction and finally finding the 'perfect' word.

"Penguins! All of you! Flipping fat penguins! I'm going to feed every single one of you to the seals!"- how vicious...

Finally holding my stand, I pulled her hands off my precious hair while Ye Jin stood across me, pointing an accusing finger towards my nose. I remembered how I heaved out loud and grabbed onto my heavily drunk ex-girlfriend flinging her over my shoulder.

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