Chapter One: Flight

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By: Yeet 2009

                                        -  " Everyone has three lives, A public, Private, and a secret life" - 

                                        -  " Everyone has three lives, A public, Private, and a secret life" - 

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                         " Remember, Your not there to make friends, your there for revenge."


                          " Race ya to the dorm?" "Really? You know i'm gonna loose"

Gold Glare, was arguing with her ocean eyed friend, "I really don't wanna race, you'll just leave me behind!" Gold spat at her. Funneh La, snickered, " Please! Just to the dorm, real quick!" She pleaded. Gold looked at her as if she were staring into the very soul of the devil, "No way!" Gold slowed down her pace, the message got to Funneh, " Fine! But..." Funneh  winced, did she really have to do this.. she sighed, Funneh eyed Gold, she was a beautiful brunette, of course the brunette part was debatable, more of a blond color, still there was no denying she was pretty, with her golden eyes, catching most attention, to her well manicured nails, she was wearing the mandatory girl uniform, her hair racing with the wind behind her. Funneh sighed, she never thought of herself as pretty, with her messy dark blue hair, her ocean eyes ,which even though awing to the eye, seemed just another quirk about her. She, like Gold sported the girls uniform, her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, her hair was never extremely long, but still a pain. Funneh caught herself, slowly coming back from her state of insecurity. " Fine! But.." She repeated, " I'll let you cook?". Golds head shot up from her phone, Funneh never told her to cook, not after she almost burnt down the dorm. "Yes, I- ill race you!" She said trying to contain her excitement. Funneh giggled, one glance from Gold told her to shut it. "Okey... Three Two One" 

It was all  a blur to Gold, she was running, and then, she looked up, "Dorm 280" there dorm. She looked around cautiously, was this a prank? She shuttered when she saw no one present, how could she beat Funneh? She never won against her! For god sake, shes on the track team! " Its fine Gold, She'll be here, all a prank, don't be a baby!"  She attempted to confront herself . With more time that went by the more Gold worried, had something happened to Funneh? Funneh skirted the edge of the street, She ran in front of Gold, panting. " Funneh! Are you okey?! What happened, I was so worried!" Gold embraced Funneh, "Y-ou you" Funneh tried to say, eyes widening, " We were racing, T-then you turned into a ball of light sorta thing, and with a blink, you were gone! I thought you ditched me!" Golds eyes grew big, she felt faint, from what Funneh was describing.. she had powers..  Golds surprise quickly turned to smugness, " Hah! So I I Gold N Glare who was JOGGING beat the all mighty Funneh, HAH! Now that I can run faster you better watch out" Gold winked at her, Funneh flared up, Gold regretted saying it, she gulped, She may seem sweet, but you dont wanna pick a fight with Funneh La. Funneh got up and screamed at her, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Gold took a step back, Funnehs voice turned into a whisper, " You have fucking powers and all you can think about is beating me? Well Suck a rock!" Funneh trembled, she was never this mad before, she refrained herself from saying the next line, " You don't know what its like to feel like you could end it, right there" She mumbled, "W-what did you say?" Gold fidgeted, why was she so mad, she teased her, they did this all the time. Funneh blinked back into reality, she was mad, Gold was....... She had to........ She shook the thought from her head and let Gold, who she was now holding by the shirt, down. Funneh walked into the dorm feeling worse then ever. 

Golds mind raced, why was Funneh acting like this? Then it dawned on her ,she was worried for her friend but, she has powers? WHAT. Shock overwhelmed her, she didn't care if Funneh was mad she needed hep! Gold sighed, Funneh was never like that, or atleast, how she knew her.

" So Golds unlocked her flaws?" "Flaws" is what Doctor Gable called them, powers were what they were but after what happened....the girl snapped back to attention as the other line called out her name, " You know what to do, and if you dont, we can make it hard for.. a parent in jail" The girl shuttered, she knew they weren't lying. The phone started to slip from her hands, before the other line went on, " Remember what they did to you, how they hurt you, your the best we have, your not there to make friends, your there for revenge

And revenge you will get my star

Remember that you want blood Funneh"

- Yeet 2009, More coming soon, Pleb is next chapter

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