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"So, what is he like?" He asked dreamily, the fantasies already rushing to him mischievously, "oh please tell me, you must know all about the hot mystery that everyone is onto."

She chuckled lightly, mentally reaching out for the fleeting memories she held, "you really want to know? You've never even seen him! Plus I don't think it's that big of a deal."

He looked her in the eyes, glazed over as they stared out to the distance, "if it is okay with you, then yes, please do. Besides, it seems like you need to let this out." And after taking a moment of consideration, she nodded with a sigh.

"A mildly handsome boy, but horrible at smiling for the yearbook photos. He is considerably tall, although maybe that's because I'm short. With gelled, jet-black hair that compliments his lightly tanned, ivory complexion perfectly. A slender yet strong build, did him well as known athlete." She checked to make sure she hadn't lost her quaint audience yet. In seeing his entertained expression, she continued, "but who am I to ramble on about descriptions, when I still need to elaborate on his character?"

"—He holds a good amount of love from the student body, an upper class gentlemen of some sorts. Not quite on top, but high enough on the social ladder to be popular. A calm disposition, his seriousness could be found everywhere from him, even in his own humor. Mature enough to be immature with his friends, I could admit to laughing at some of his jokes. A deep voice that could leak with sarcasm when needed, or have a surprising patience when times called for them. I suppose one could say he was not like the others, but that could be an exaggeration or bias from anyone else. He was never mean, to me at least, and has the decency to participate in class for the most part. An amazing guy, to say the least..." She took a deep breath, relaxing at the end of her strange speech, and turning back to him with a grin, "now help me start getting you a date with him set up!"

"Me!?" His tone rang with disbelief, "If there's anyone who should be getting a date with him, it's you! You seem to have him all figured out, huh hon? Miss-I'm-in-love-but-can't-admit-it!"

"In love? Please, I think that is far too much to assume. Not even 'liking' would be a close term. Look I like him, but not in those darling crush ways, okay?" Normally there would be a revealing blush blooming on her face, but this time there was none. Her expression remained delightfully solid, not faltering to fluster at all, and he wondered if she really was telling the truth. His eyebrow quirked up in a questioning manner, not exactly convinced.

"You know you can tell me the truth right?" He reassured her, hoping to pry out some answers by hitting her soft spot.

"Of course I know that, and I always will!" She flashed a genuine smile, "and I am telling the truth. Him and I, we are only bystanders to each other's lives. I know what has happened to him, and he knows what has happened to me, and we are both completely fine with that. Our paths have crossed in different ways, but not for each other. We know who we are, and where we stand in life. I am more than a stranger to him, but much less than a friend. We are classmates yet nothing greater than vague colleagues. I know him, and he knows me, and that is all I need." He was right, letting it out was what she needed, and she was glad. She knew that was most likely overboard for an argument, and she herself could not believe how collected she felt.

"Alright, ranting must really be your thing today," he laughed in recovery from processing the information, "but thanks for telling me the truth."

"I was not ranting!" She snapped in defense, but joined in his laughter, "fine, maybe a little bit. And you're welcome for the story. Now, shall we get started on my brilliant plan to get you two together?"

He nodded, and the two shared matching grins in excitement for taking her plan out in action.

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