Chapter 7

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Having had no time to spare, Jade threw on a pair of leggings, a nirvana t-shirt and one of Beck's red flannel shirts and ran down the stairs "lets go" she darted towards the door

"Andre sounded worried" Beck gulped as he drove faster than he should've in the direction of Tori's house 

"Fuck" Jade bit her bottom lip 


The couple arrived at the house and ran into the living room where Cat sat sobbing in Tori's arms 

"Jade" Cat looked up at Jade who was in a state of panic "I-I-I" she stammered 

"You're sorry" Jade said plainly 

"y-yeah" Cat roared through her tears 

"Its ok" Jade sat next to her and welcomed her into a hug "its ok" she repeated as she stroked her friends hair 

"So... what happened?" Beck asked rather insensitively which he realised when Jade gave him a stern look of disapproval 

"Come on Beck, why don't we go and make coffee" Andre dragged his friend out of the room 

"So..." Jade asked, raising Cats head to be eye level "talk" she prompted

"I-I found Alex cheating on me" she roared 

"WHAT" Tori gasped 

Jade remained silent but looked convincingly surprised

"I w-was at the drugstore getting s-some vitamins" Cat explained "and I came home and I saw them screwing on the couch" she sobbed "I grabbed my stuff and ran out"

"Oh Cat" Tori wrapped her in a hug "I'm so sorry"

"I want to kill him" Jade spat through gritted teeth "HOW DARE HE" 

Cat continued to cry so much that by the time Andre and Beck returned she had fallen asleep with her head on Jade's shoulder 

"What are we going to do?" Andre whispered 

"Kick his ass?" Beck replied 

"We can't do anything" Jade whispered "If we meddle in this we could make it 10 times worse... we don't know what he is capable of" 

"What do you mean?" Andre's eyes widened 

"I just don't get good vibes ok" Jade shrugged it off 

"What about the baby?" Tori said (a little too loudly) 

The mention of the word 'baby' caused Cat to wake up and repeat the words "baby" before crying again "HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW" she put her head in her hands 

"You don't have to tell him" Beck said again rather insensitively 

"Beckett James Oliver if you keep acting like a jackass Cat won't be the only one packing up her suitcases" Jade glared at him

"Sorry... I just don't think this is something she needs to decide at 2am" Beck rolled his eyes

"You're right" Jade huffed "Cat come home with us and then we can all meet tomorrow to discuss what you should do next" 

"No its ok... she is more than welcome here" Tori said sweetly 

"You have a baby to take care of" Jade responded "it'll be so much easier"

Tori smiled thankfully 


When they got back to their house, Beck and Jade were exhausted from supporting Cat all evening. Beck carried Cats small body in his arms as she had fallen asleep in the car, drained from her ongoing tears 

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