Episode 2

353 7 4

( Sonic's, Luna's, and Narrator's POV)

Year: 3237

Present Day. . .

Sonic: Oh, this place takes us back. . . way back

I almost forgot what happened to us back there.

And that year. . . On that planet.

That planet that was once filled with clueless idiots like me.

And that old fairy tale. . . Turned out to be real.

Too real.

AND no. . . That wasn't a good thing.

That legends realism had caused me to become. . . Eh. . . A bigger idiot I guess you can say.

Hi! Names Sonic! Sonic the hedgehog, your fellow narrator!

And this is Luna, my helper today!

Luna: Um. . . Hi.

And this is our story!

Narrator: The land was quiet and empty, the storm is the only thing that disturbs the quietness. But. . . The quietness was disturbed by a female running for her life.
The figure is shown as a female blue hedgehog, relieved, stopped, and took a breather.

" * Pant* I did it. Without any trouble, either!
I was lucky that bastard of a creature didn't see me take his little bag." She says.

Sonic: You know who that is? That's Bernie. Or also my mother.

Luna: She also raised me along with Sonic six years ago.

" Though, considering how heavily guarded this bag was. . . It won't take long to find out it's missing. Then all hell breaks- -"

Bernie then was interrupted by a deep male's voice yelling,




Then out of nowhere fireballs started blasting through the peaceful forest, burning it as Bernie takes cover.

" GHA!"

" He's quicker than I thought!" Bernie thought.

Sonic: Even though she looks weak, she's a tough cookie.

Bernie then grabs holds of a vine and swings for cover as the fireballs hit everything around her, knocking down trees and setting them on fire.

" I got to get out of here- -"

Sees the bag slip from her grip.

" Oh-no! The bag!" Bernie yells.

As Bernie swings, she reaches for the bag as it falls.

" Dammit! I can't reach it."

The bag then hit the ground releasing what seems to be an upside-down turquoise triangle amulet. When it feels, a shadow figure picked it up. Until Bernie landed on the ground.

" Still alive?"

" My, you are an interesting one. It is rare to find mortals that are entertaining such as yourself."

" Do tell me this. . . "

" Are you the one they call " Bernadette"?" The male figure asks.

" Yeah, so?" Bernadette asks.

" Bernadette. I am curious, why did you steal from me?" The male asked.

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