Episode 3

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In Tin Can. . .

There was a village in destruction, burning from the heated flames, building falling apart, nothing left but destruction. But. . . The only things left were two siblings, searching for a beloved friend, hoping that she's is alive and well.

" We gotta keep going, Sonic!" Luna says.

" I know, Luna, I'm just hoping that she's ok!" Sonic replied.

Sonic, was worried. Very worried. He doesn't want to see a beloved friend hurt in a situation like this.

" No. This isn't right! This can't be happening!" Sonic thought to himself.

Luna knew what her brother was thinking, he worries about Amy, but also. . . Bernie!


" Sonic, Luna. . . RUN!"


Luna's POV

I was then brought back to reality when I see that Sonic stop running.

" Sonic, are you ok?" I ask.

He doesn't answer, so then I lay my hand onto his forehead as my whole body along with Sonic's glows a cyan blue.

In Sonic's Mind. . .

I see that I'm in Sonic's . . . Past. I then look to see Sonic as a kid crying to see. . . His father. . . Stabbed to death by. . . A familiar face!

" DADDY!!"

That's when I felt hit my mind.


I was running. Running was all I can do with a familiar young blonde hedgehog carried in my arms. I see the boy look at me with worry and I gave him an assuring look that everything will be okay. However, during the run, an explosion was heard close by us and moved us back forcefully, making me lose hold of the child and roll on the ground. I then force myself to get up as I then look to see that same familiar eyes staring back at mine. I was about to accept my fate when. . . .

. . . Nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see the same boy I know softly smiles with what made my heart stop most, a spear through his heart!

. . .

" SAM!!"

" Luna?"

" Luna!"

I was then brought back to reality to see Sonic holding me by my shoulders and tears pouring from my eyes.

" Are you ok?" He asks.

I wiped the tears away.

" Y-yeah, I'm fine."

" Alright, ready to go find Amy?"

" Yes."

We then go back for our search. Both of us endlessly searched for Amy, and we were both getting really worried that we won't be able to find her.

" Amy!"

" Ames, where are you?!"

Amy, please!"

" * Sigh* How are we gonna be able to find her in this mess?!" I ask.

" It's ok, Luna, we'll find her. Once we find Ames, we-"

Sonic and I stopped as we saw. . . A figure which seems to be a black hedgehog with crimson highlights, white chest fur, and bright crimson eyes. The hedgehog seems to be male.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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