A Hard Day's Night

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Jordan Mikaelson woke to the sound of her alarm clock blaring. Grumbling she reached over and slammed it off. Sighing as she sits up in bed and brushes her curly hair away from her face. She swings her feet off the side of the bed but lightly flinches at the touch of the cold wood. She makes a mental note to unpack the rug and the rest of her things from her moving boxes after her first shift at Seattle Grace Hospital. She had signed a contract to work as their new Chief of OBGYN and Fetal Surgery for a shit ton of money.

She was excited for the new change and ready to take the next big step in her life. New York was great but there were too many bad memories there. She needed the change so why not move across the country? It also helped that one of her closest friends, Derek Shepherd was also moving to Seattle with her after his wife cheated on him with their best friend Mark Sloan.

Jordan and Addison never really got along, they were friendly to each other for Derek's sake but all that went out the window when Derek called her that night crying and asking her to come help him pack.

Jordan was pissed when she arrived at their house that night, ready to kick Mark and Addison's ass but when she saw how upset Derek was the only thing, she wanted to do was comfort the man. He had become a big brother to her after she moved to New York. Jordan welcomed the relationship; it gave her a comfort she hadn't had since her own brother went missing on one of his missions. The fact that she didn't even know could've happened to him had hurt so bad she almost broke. He was a U.S Navy Seal and a little over two years ago he went on a mission and never came back. That pain along with her attack had prompted her move from Boston to New York.

She got out of the shower after detangling her hair and begun digging through boxes to find an outfit fir her first day, not that it mattered much, she'd just end up wearing her scrubs once she got there.

As she was heading out the door, she received a text from Derek asking her to come pick him up, along with an address. She furrowed her brows slightly at the address but shrugged it off. She was grateful she did not have to go anywhere near those damned woods.


She arrived at the house just as Derek was coming out and buttoning up his pants. She raises her eyebrows at the man as he got into the car. "Don't ask. I was drunk!" he says to his younger friend knowing she'd want an explanation. "I was drunk," he repeats again with a sigh after seeing the judgmental look on the girl's face.

"Mhmm..It's been days Derek. Days!" She said looking to the older man shaking her head lightly before pulling off to go to work. "And that's all I'm going to say." She says as she sees him open his mouth to defend himself. She lets and small smile come to her face as she and Derek both laugh lightly. She was glad he wasn't as mopey as he was when they first arrived in Seattle.

When they arrive at the hospital, they part ways saying they'll catch up later. Jordan heads to the Chief's office but gets lost on the way. She sees and pretty woman walking past her in light blue scrubs. 'She must be a resident' Jordan thought as she looked at the women who seemed too confident and sure of herself to be an intern but not arrogant enough to be and attending. So she stops the woman to ask for directions, "Hi, I'm new here I was wondering if you knew where the Chief's office was?"

"Yeah, it's on the third floor right across the bridge. I'm Callie Torres by the way, ortho resident" The women who Jordan now knew as Callie Torres said.

"Thanks, I'm Jordan Mikaelson" she said as she stuck her hand out for the other girl to shake.

"Oh, wow! i had heard the rumors but...wow" Callie said a recognition and awe swept across her face. She was shocked and exited to be able to work with someone as legendary as Jordan Mikaelson. She was a leading surgeon in her field, hands down one of the best. Callie only hoped she could one day work a case with her. "I'm sorry I'm just shocked to meet a doctor as legendary as you. I mean your only 25 and you've already accomplished so much, two back to back Harper Avery awards-" Callie ramble before Jordan stopped her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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