#10 [ONE-SHOT] - Seeking Peace (5/7) - //Confessions and Promises//

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Tooth-rotting fluff
Word count: 2390



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they did

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...they did.

Finally not separately, but together they filled the field with their self-forgetting laughter, observed some butterflies and flowers, Virgil even collected so much of them that he now could consider his collection as a nicely done bouquet. All in all, they grew more and more comfortable around each other, and Roman took notice of Virgil becoming more and more peaceful, happily but somewhat half-heartedly, because that would've meant that they needed to go back home and leave this land of beauty behind, only accompanied by the memories they had gained. Or maybe not only them..?

They've completely forgotten both about time and their presence's original purpose in the Imagination.

"Shouldn't we head back?" Virgil asked Roman, who was crouching to let a tiny butterfly move onto another flower from his finger.

"Back? Where back?" the addressed side asked with clear ignorance in his voice, not even bothering to turn his busy head towards his companion.

Virgil blinked "It's been a while

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Virgil blinked "It's been a while. Especially after everything that happened." he mumbled the last sentence while blushing.

"¿¡¿Ya?!? Oh my Stars..!" Without Roman's help, the tiny creature managed to fly off his index finger but stood up, nevertheless. "Well, it is indeed true that time flies by fast when you're enjoying it!"

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