Where Loyalties Lie

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Furiously i stormed into Cassia's chambers demanding to know why she had poisoned the African King. 

My plans to be his Queen were now null and void and all because of this dirty bitch. I knew he was fucking her regularly, so i couldn't understand what her reasoning for killing him would be. Didn't the empire need an alliance with him?

Victory was almost mine when i saw Jaliyah about to eat the food i had skillfully poisoned. Until the general interfered. Yet i didn't poison the kings meal nor the drink he consumed. I knew right then that another plot was at play,  one i was not privy to

As i reached her chambers, I noticed no guards were stationed near her door as they normally were, which was odd, Still i charged in anyway. I growled ready to confront her but halted as shock stole my breath

There the senators prized daughter was; Hanging from the ceiling by her slim neck. Priceless diamonds glinted in the afternoon sun as her dead body swung leisurely from the cool breeze drifting through the open window

I looked around wondering if maybe this too was an assassination, yet nothing seemed out of place. Staring closer at her dead body I spied her chest held a small piece of parchment pinned onto her dress with one of her gaudy hair clips

It held two simple words

"I'm sorry"

My rage returned tenfold. I wanted to snatch it off her and tear it into tiny little pieces

 I'm sorry?.  I'm sorry?!!. this  bratty bitch ruined all my plans for a better life in this hell hole and she takes the cowards way out with only two pathetic ass words!

I'M sorry,  Yes so was i. So sorry i allowed her spoiled selfish ass to live long enough to ruin my plans

I ground my teeth, wanting to inflict damage on her already lifeless body, common sense told me that would not be smart so I turned away and quickly left before i could give in to my blood lust or be discovered. No one yet knew of her suicide i didn't need to be seen anywhere near her deceased body. They would gladly accuse me of killing the whore, evidence or not.

I sneakily fled  back down the corridor, avoiding anyone i encountered until i reached the  guaranteed safety of my chambers. Running my hand repeatably through my disheveled hair as I pacing uncontrollably,  my mind racing  ot think of a new solution to my woes

I needed to secure a better position and i was tired of waiting for the senator to make it happen. The African king was my surest bet, but now....

A idea sprang into my mind then, like an epiphany 

The general

He would make one fine husband. I mused with a malicious smirk

Now that Cassia was dead i could maybe persuade him into the killing the Senator and taking his place...............................


Holding my blade, hand crafted by Nubia's finest sword makers and gifted to me, by the king on my coronation day,  i stalked back toward the senators chambers with murder on my mind and  vengeance pounding through  my heart

I was tired of betrayals. Tired of people i cared about being insensibly  killed

The senator was a traitorous snake. Now an enemy to the Nubian Kingdom, and i would see his demise before i left this disgusting country

If war was to be had then so be it.  for what they had done i would see this  entire empire fall. After i killed the senator i  would seek out an alliance with another powerful country and together we would conquer and kill them all

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