Delgo Noir 4: Delgo is Unbreakable

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The rain falls slowly as we surround the grave. "Bogardus was an amazing man. His courage and selflessness will benefit him as he enters the next life," says the priest. I hear Kyla's soft sobs as she weeps next to me. I look around at Bogardus' family and friends from the police force. All of them would have traded their lives for him. As the ceremony comes to a close, the mourners leave one by one until Kyla, and I are the only ones left. Trying to stern streams of my tears, I throw a handful of dirt onto the coffin. My tough masculine shell is about to crack when Kyla looks up at me and smiles. Her smile is my only hope. First Filo's death, then Kyla's house burning, and now Bogardus. Is somebody after me?

'Kyla' I say, building up my courage, 'Someone is after me. Terrible things have been happening to those around me. It can't just be a coincidence.'

'You're right' she says. 'It's impossible for it to not be a coincidence. I'll help you find out.'

'Thank you, Kyla. I'm not sure what I'd do without you.'

As I give her a hug, I feel a presence behind me. I turn around fast, gun drawn. A wave of relief comes over me as I realize it's just Bogardus.

'Oh hey man, I thought you died?' I say giving him a big bro hug.

'I got better' he replies. Kyla comes up from behind me and gives Bogardus a big hug.

'So why did you come back? I thought the entire ordeal with Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, you would have quit the force.'

'I'm a fan-favourite character, I'm not allowed to die! Plus I need to help you with this new case of yours,' he replies.

Now that we have Bogardus back on this case I'm sure we can find out who's behind these very odd coincidences that are endangering my friends.

How can I describe my feelings? My best friend pronounced dead, his girlfriend's house set alight, and the death and reanimation of Bogardus would inevitably lead any man to insanity. But not me. I am an ace detective who cannot be beaten by simple death and destruction. Sun Tzu once said, "The best fighter is never angry." I don't get angry, just frustrated. Everyone with a grudge against me has been taken care of long ago.

The station was bustling today. I put a cigarette in my mouth, lit it, and felt calm once again. It seemed we had more officers on today than usual. I saw Bogardus standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor, waiting for me.  I went up to meet him, and we started heading to the chief's office. The movement within the police station had stopped. It was as if time itself had stopped. I turned around to see a most horrific sight. It was my former friend, Filo, standing in the centre of the station covered in blood. He cried out my name and my blood went cold. A million thoughts rushed through my head as he stood there, waiting for some kind of answer from me. Filo took off the blood-stained trench coat he was wearing to reveal scars all along the side of his body and arms. I started slowly moving down the stairs toward him, his arms stretched out like an angel. A sinister grin marked his face like the scars on his body. As I moved forward, noticing that what I perceived as scars, were tally marks etched into his skin. The world seemed to slow, and my blood was cold. Four police officers ran up to Filo and cuffed him, the malevolent grin still lingered on his face. I saw his dead body, I mourned over his grave, I shed tears unlike any before them, but the man in which this grieving was for, stood before me with a look that made me uneasy.

We were separated by a thick layer of one-way glass. The interrogation room felt dank and harrowing as Filo sat at the table. Many officers had tried to talk with him, but their efforts were futile. I knew he wanted to speak with me and only me, but I felt I had not the courage to face him. My leg bounced anxiously as I sat at the cold metal desk. I started to light a cigarette, but when the lighter lit, I decided now was not the time. I stood up, all eyes darted towards me. I could feel the tension in the room, everyone was awaiting my departure to the chamber in which my sworn enemy and friend sat. I decided it was time to put on the big boy pants and entered the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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