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"Hey guys it's the culture crew." Milan smiled she's so bubbly one of her many great traits "If your new to Us I'm Avion." I started "I'm Milan." She smiled "and I'm Kylee." She stuck out her tongue "And if you aren't new hey girl." I waved laughing

"So we told you to ask us questions and you did so we're gonna ask them." Kylee explained "So were gonna Start from Avion and go down the line and we're each gonna ask 5 questions so let's get started." Milan smiled

"Okay first question when are your birthdays and how old are you." I put my phone down "okay well we're all 17 My birthday is March 8th." I started looking at Kylee "My birthday is April 3rd." Kylee answered "And Mines is February 10th so I'm the oldest Ahha." Milan bragged

"Next question where does the name culture crew come from." Kylee asked "Well Avion is black Milan is White and I'm Half Mexican Half Black so kids at our school call us culture crew." She explained

"My turn, Oo this is a good one are we single." Milan giggled "Yes we are all single." She answered "Yep so boys hit us up." I laughed and we all started twerking and laughing "Except this one right here." Derek ran into frame grabbed me and sat me down

"Oop the tea sis." Vallyk yelled

"Okay next questions do you have any siblings." I put my phone back down "Yes i have 5 siblings 3 sisters and 2 brothers." I answered " I have a sister and two little brothers." Kylee answered "And I have two older brothers." Milan answered

"Next question, what grade are you in." "We're all in 11th grade well 12th grade now." Kylee asked the answered
"Seniors bitch!" I smiled

"Do you have any crushes." Milan asked "Yes." Kylee answered fast "I knew it you like Mattia." Mike yelled we all looked at him "MYCHAEL!" I yelled "Sorry." He put his hand up in defense "don't worry I'll bleep it out." I whispered to kylee "No I don't like anybody at the moment." Milan shook her head "I dooo." I sad in a singy song voice

"Who they both said." "I'm not telling." I smiled looking at the camera

"How log have you known each other." I asked
"Since birth our mothers along with Reese's were pregnant at the same time and had us a month apart there bestfriends." Kylee explained

"Does Avion And derek date." kylee asked "No thy claim there just friends." She rolled her eyes "Cause we are." I laughed "Yeah whatever."

"Do you see yourself as famous." Milan asked " Not really." She answered "I don't consider myself famous I say well known." I answered and Kylee agreed with me

"How long have you known Derek and Vallyk." I asked "I met them in 7th grade and we instantly became friends I met mike later on that year." I smiled at the memories

"If you could be with any TikToker who would it be." Kylee looked dead at me laughing "Derek." I hid my face laughing "Oop get some Derek." Zachariah laughed "Shut up Reese." I stared him down eventually busting out laughing

"I'd have to say either Alejando or Gabrial Stewart." Milan said "Vallyk or Mattia." Kylee looked at her phone "Bitchhhh Vallykkk." I dropped my jaw "yes moving on." She mushed my head

"Name on good trait about each other." Milan looked at me " Okay Milan is super bubbly which makes her great to be around and Kylee is fucking funny she always has us dying." I smiled at the both of them "Awe." They said in Sync "Avion is really nice and always there for us and Kylee Gives great advice." Milan said "Milan literally brights up every room she walks into and Avi is the sweetest thing ever she never yells at us and she's understanding of our mistakes." Kylee said pulling us into a hug

"Oh barf in my mouth." Vallyk laughed I picked up a pillow and chucked it at his head "DAMN!" Derek and Zachariah laughed Mike fell asleep

" okay my last question is how tall are y'all." I placed my phone on my bed "I'm 5'3." I answered
"I'm 5'3 as well." Kylee smiled "I'm 5'0." Milan pouted "Shordy." Kylee poked her cheek "All yall shordys Ky." Derek laughed "No one asked you." She flicked him off

"Time for my last question do you have any pets." Kylee asked "I just got a dog today actually she's a Golden poodle and her name is pepper." I answered "I have a pitbull Named Blue and he is the cutest thing ever." Kylee said changing her voice to a baby like tone "Um Blue is the devil in dog form." I scoffed "Ong he is he chased me all the way to car." Milan laughed

"He was playing with you." She defended him "He big Derek!" I explained pointing at him "He sure did." She nodded his head "Omg it was a nibble not a bite." She sighed "same thing kylee." I jokingly pushed her

"Anyways I have a puppy she's a Yorkie and her name is Baylie and She's so adorable." Milan gushed "Now Baylie is an angle." I smiled "Whatever."Kylee rolled her eyes

"Okay last question time for it to be juicy."Milan rubbed her hands in a malicious way "If Derek wanted to date Avi would she go for it." Everyone stared at me

I was quite for a while then I finally answered "Yes." Milan and Kylee jumped up screaming and jumping around my room

"Okay thank you guys for asking the questions hopefully we answered all the ones you really wanted to know." I clapped my hands "Let's us know what you want to see next in the comments below." Milan smiled

"All of our social media's will be linked in the description box down below so give us a follow." Kylee stood up

"Make sure to like and subscribe and turn on post notifications so you'll never miss a video we love you guys thanks for watching." I stood up as well

"Culture Crew out." We all said ending the video

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