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"So are you and Derek Okay?" Milan asked me sitting on the bed "Yeah I'm guessing he finally went public which is good." I sighed I hope it wasn't to make me happy cause that wasn't my intention

"He was jealous all night." I raised an eyebrow "Dead ass?"

"yes he seen that live with you and Diego and he kept trying to leave to see what was going on but Anne wouldn't let him."

"She said something about you were already upset with him and he didn't want to add on to it." She told me "That is true probably would've went off on him on that live." I laughed

"Girl we know Kylee didn't want him to go either." She slightly laughed

"Hopefully we don't have anymore arguments." I sighed playing with my ring "If you do it's fine that's how couples act when they love each other." She smiled "Thanks Milan." I hugged her

"Stop stealing my job I'm the advice giver." I playfully pushed her arm

"Did you hear that Derek is moving in with Kobe." Kylee ran in "What!" I stood up

"Yes I heard them talking about it I debated on telling you but your my bestfriend so I wasn't gonna hide it." She sat down on the bed

"What exactly did he say." I was trying to wrap my head around it "So kobe was like when are you moving in and Derek said when we get back to Jersey." Tears formed in my eyes Was he gonna tell me

"Oh baby I'm sorry." Milan hugged me and Kylee joined in

"What's wrong with her?"Kobe asked waking in "Um what's that Kamrin you want us." Kylee got up and dragged Milan behind her "What-." I raised my hands up slapping them down on my lap

"What's wrong." He sat next to me "Your taking my boyfriend away from me." I pouted "ohhh so you know." He looked down "Yeah I know Kobe."

"Technically it's our manger he wants us to move in together." He explained to me "Why do y'all have to move to Vegas tho?" I tried to hold my tears back "That's just the place to be."

"I don't want him to leave me." At this point I was in a mess he held me and tried to calm me down but it wasn't working "Avi please calm down so you want me to get Derek." I shook my head because I couldn't talk

He ran out the door and in came derek "Baby what's wrong!" He hugged me "I don't want you to leave me." I was hyperventilating and I had snot running down my nose

"What do you me- who told you?" He questioned "So it's true?!" I started to cry even more "Baby I won't be gone forever I'll come visit you and you can come visit me." He rubbed my back

"No it's not gonna be the same." I pushed him off me "Avion calm down I'm still gonna talk to you everyday and I'll text you." It was all too much I just got him and now he's leaving

"I can't I just can't." I said walking out the room "Wait Avion I love you." We've said it to each other before but this time it felt different

I walked up to him and hugged him "I love you too Derek." We stayed like this just embracing each other im really gonna miss him

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