Chapter one: A City Girl

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"You promise?" Noah whispered.

Brianna smiled. "Of course, babe. I'm so happy with you, how could I ever leave?"

Noah and Brianna had been together since their sophomore year of high school. They met at a party thrown by one of Brianna's friends, and had been inseparable ever since.

Now it was the summer after graduation.

Both worked, and lived separately.

Brianna knew from the day she met Noah that this would be something to last. Never once had one even thought of leaving the other.

Sure they had arguments, but they never lasted long.

It almost seemed..... too good to be true.

After Noah left her flat that day, Brianna got a text from her dad.

Hey babygirl! Would you mind dropping by the house later this evening? I have something I would like to talk to you about.

Brianna stared at the text.

She wondered what her dad could want to talk about.

Probably nothing really serious, but still she worried.

What if her dad had cancer? Or mom even?

Many scenarios went through her head as she walked to her car and started her drive to her parents house.

It was nearly dark when she arrived, and as she was pulling into the driveway, she noticed a strange black Cadillac there, next to her dads.

She got even more suspicious.

She walked up the front steps, her heart pounding.

When she walked into the living room, her mother and father there sitting on the couch.

"Ah sweetheart I'm so glad you could make it!" Her dad exclaimed.

He pulled her into a hug. "Hey dad, who's car is in the driveway?"

Just as the question left you lips, another voice spoke from the hallway.

"Well aren't you just right on time."

Brianna whipped around to see who had spoken.

He was tall, had sort of shaggy graying hair, a short beard and mustache, and he had a warm smile on his face.

She smiled back at him and said, "Uh well, hi! I'm Brianna, nice to meet you!"

"Oh believe me miss Brianna, I know who you are. I'm John, John Entwistle."

Brianna didn't recognize the name, so she just nodded.

Her father finally spoke back up. "Well John, uh, why don't you tell Brianna here more about yourself?"

John cleared his throat, and look at Brianna.

"Well I am 42 years old, I'm from London, England, I play the bass guitar, and I am rich, if that's what you'd call it."

Brianna noted how he called himself rich. Anyone who could say out loud that they were rich had to be a little full of themself.

"That's fabulous and all," Brianna said, "But what are you doing here?"

His face turned light pink. He looked at the ground then at her father.

Her father look mortified. "Uhm now sweetie don't you think that rude?"

"Not at all, daddy. I just want to know why I need to know that he's rich, and where came from and all."

Her dad seemed to run out of things to say, so he looked to her mother.

She just looked sorrowfully at Brianna. "Look dear, we wouldn't have done this if we didn't want you to be successful."

Brianna was so confused. "Be successful? Done what exactly?!"

She looked at every face in the room. John was twiddling his thumbs looking at the floor, dad was just staring into space, and mom was look right at her feeling she had nothing further to explain.

"Hello?!" Brianna screamed. "Does anyone hear me?!"

John looked up and said, "I will always hear you, luv. Whatever you need, I'll always be beside you."

With that statement Brianna began to realize what was happening.

"Are you arranging a marriage for me, dad?"

"Sweetie like your mother said we only did it because we want to to be successful."

Brianna had no words. She just got up, "When?"

"Four months."

With that she left her parents house, slamming the door behind her.

When she got into her car she immediately called Noah.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

She had tears in her eyes. "Noah..." her voice broke.

"Oh no, what's happened?"

"They've arranged me a wedding!" She cried. "He's 40 years old and were getting married in four months."

The line was silent.


"I- I don't know what to say, Brianna. I'm sorry? That just doesn't cut it. How could they do that to you? I mean they know about us! I've been over hundreds of times! They know we're still together right?"

"Of course they do! I've never had any reason to tell them otherwise! I don't know where this all came from. I've never even met him before! And apparently he's rich or something."

Noah scoffed. "Rich old guys....." he mumbled. "I'll be over later."

"Okay." Brianna said quietly. When she put her phone down she burst into tears.

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