Chapter eight: Go Out For The Evening

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John had left the house early that morning to prepare with the band.

So Brianna had just told Eva to come over in the morning instead of picking her up at six.

It was getting close to time to head to the show, so the girls were figuring out what to wear.

Eva, being the dramatic, flirt she is, was wearing an extra mini skirt with a white crop top.

Brianna never liked to be like that, she was always more modest, so she was wearing ripped skinny jeans and one of John's Who shirts she found in his closet.

They always had fun doing each other's makeup exotically.

But tonight Brianna was not trying to attract attention, so she went with simple colors instead.

Brianna and Eva ran down the driveway to Brianna's car.

"John said it was more of a bar than an actual concert venue." Brianna explained to Eva.

"Oh good! Maybe I'll pick up a hot guy." Eva said as she applied her deep red lipstick.

Brianna rolled her eyes. "Look Eva, I'm worried that Noah's gonna be there cause he loves The Who, and I just don't think it safe for us to see each other yet, y'know?"

"Girl, you'll be fine! I'll beat him up if he comes near you."

They laughed. "Thanks." Brianna said, knowing that Eva would run off as soon as they got there.

The two girls got out of the car, and headed into the bar.

Eva scanned the surroundings just to make sure there were not cute guys. "Alright let's find a drink."

They sat down at the bar and ordered drinks.

She checked her watch. 10 minutes to go before her Johnny came on stage.

As Brianna was turning back to face the bar, she noticed the guy next to her staring intently.

"Uh, hi, can I help you?" She asked.

He smirked. "Let me buy you a drink."

"Oh no thanks I've got it."

And she went back to Eva, who was turned around chatting up the man on her left.

So she just turned back to the stage with her drink.

They rushed onto the stage and John winked at her.

She waved and blew him a kiss.

"Is that you're boyfriend?" The man beside her was still creepily staring at her.

"Um no, he's my fiancé." Brianna stated.

"Ahh...." And he went silent again.

She was beginning to feel uncomfortable sitting beside this man. She looked over at Eva, as the band began to play. She was now in the man's lap.

Brianna rolled her eyes.

The Who finished their set with an oldie, 'My Generation'. They sounded amazing, and John's bass solo was beautiful as ever.

She got up to go backstage to find John but instead felt a hand grip her shoulder.

"Hey what th-?"

It was that guy again. "Hey look man, who do you think you are?"

He just smiled at her. "Can I please buy you drink before you go?"

She knew that if she refused he would probably follow her home. She sighed. "I suppose you can, but I've got to be quick cause John is gonna be out soon."

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