Chapter ten: You Can't Hide Your Lyin' Eyes

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Brianna woke up to total darkness.

She felt someone's arms around her, and suspected it was John.

She turned to admire his beautifully shaped face, when she remembered what she had seen the day before.

Anger flooded back to her and she harshly removed John's arms from around her and shoved him off the small bed.

He hit the floor with a large thud.

She heard him groan and sit up.

"Brianna, what was that for?" He asked.

"John, I don't know why you're still trying, you obviously have other preoccupations."

"Other— what are you on about?"

"You know good an well what I'm talking about!"

"Brianna what has gotten into you?!"

"You John!!! You and that stupid maid of yours! How could you cheat on me with HER!!" Brianna shouted, tears now streaming down her face.

John just stared at her. "You think- you think I would cheat on you?" He asked quietly.

"I didn't think so," Brianna sobbed. "I didn't think so until I saw you on the couch with her."

"We were just talking, luv."

"I saw her nasty little hand on your thigh! Don't pretend you don't remember!"

John shook his head. "Brianna, listen, the reason me and Rosie were on the couch together in the first place, is because I was worried about you. I was worried that you were off to cheat on me since you hadn't given me much detail as to where you were going, so I just needed someone to reassure me that you weren't going to leave me. I chose Rosie because she has a kind soul, she always know how to make someone feel better."

Brianna pondered this. "You- you aren't lying to me John, are you?"

John got up onto his knees and took Brianna's hands. "I would never lie to you, my love."

Brianna looked into John's ice blue eyes and knew he was telling the truth.

She wrapped him in a hug.

John slid back into the tiny bed with her and engulfed her in his arms.

"John?" Brianna said tentatively.

"Yes luv?"

"I went to see Noah." Brianna said quietly.

John moved away from her. "So you are cheating on me then?"

A tear fell from Brianna's eyes. "No John. I would never cheat on you. I love you. But he did kiss me. Twice." She looked away as she said the last part.

John just stared at her. "You didn't..... kiss him back, did you?"

"No. I tried to get away from him. I don't really know why I went. I think I just needed confirmation that he was still the douche bag I left behind."

"Brianna please, don't leave me again. You scared the shit out of me, and I don't want you getting drug off again. You're worth too much to be just throwing yourself out there. Not that I'm trying to hold you back from anything, just be careful please." John pleaded.

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