The little girl

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"she, The little girl. talitha"


"half a year studying there is good enough to kill Asmodeus, right talitha?"

"for god sake allinord, your daughter can't do it"

"no mom, I'm an expert. I'll be fine and I'm confident I can do this mission"


"I love you"

"I love you more, I love you so much, Asmodeus!"

"Hi, I'm talitha moore nice meeting you all" I stated in-front of my classmates. some faces shows pleased and some shows anger, but one person got my attention— he shows nothing but blank.

"you can sit beside mr. asmodeus" our teacher stated. that's quick, thanks old hag for getting me close to my prey. I walked straight to the vacant sit beside the guy who shows no emotion, I stared at him while his gazes are in-front.

"If you want to live with an eyes, stop staring at him, he's mine. register that to your petty small brain" a girl from my left side stated. oh let me guess, a girlfriend. she has a beautiful soft skin, she let her blacked straight hair hangs untie. she have a not-so-pointed nose and a very red lips.

"what if told you we had sex" I whispered grinning. her expression changed. disgusted. angry. I was just teasing her, wanting to see a frustration on her face.

"slut bitch" she shouted and stands up from her chair to attack me. She's acting hysterical.

I sat on my chair, calm. while she's in-front of me shouting and pumping her hand ready to punch me. our classmates were watching us while our teacher is standing just looking at us. hallucinated. I was looking on the girl with bored eyes while my finger is supporting my chin, with a smirk on my face.

"stop it, rowena" calm and deep, a guy on my right side stated. who wouldn't fall for this guy? oh me. some girls will really get attractive the way he represent his presence and his voice makes him more sexy and manly.

"Tell me Asmodeus did you have sex with her?" The girl named rowena asked while pointing her finger on me. I want to burst out to laughter because of the girl's expression but I kept my straight face.

"oh please don't point me with the finger your using for masturbation" I stated.

"shut up can you?" she stated. she turn her gaze back to her boyfriend "answer me Asmodeus"

"hmm, scary" I whispered.

"no I didn't, she's a newbie! so sit down" the girl automatically sat on her chair. I see his hallucinations is strong huh? he can make everyone a slave. I Hope he wouldn't do that to me.

cause if he did,

mission fail.

my first day was fine, normal atmosphere and a typical high-school scenery. it felt like i was a normal teenager studying for my dream and not to kill a person. I'm currently walking on the hallway with eyes following me "Slaves" I thought. When i was to walked passed the storage room, it opened revealing the familiar girl I have commotion with earlier. she pulled me inside.

"you bitch" she stated then slap me as she push me to the wall. I laughed hysterically then instantly change into devilish aura. she got shocked that made her flinched backwards a bit

Talitha: one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now