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Doms POV...
I watched her run out of the arcade.

"Ivy wait!" I yelled but she didn't stop.

"Woah! What happened?" Colson said holding allies hand.

"We were taking pictures and at the last one I-I kissed her." I said putting my face down on my hands.

"Woah..." Allie said. "Well we should go find her!" Allie said pointing to the door.

"Allies right... we don't want ivy doing something stupid." Colson said.

"I messed everything up guys!" I said standing up.

"Dude you did what you thought was right at the moment. Don't worry we'll find her and you guys will work things out." Colson said hugging me.

I took a deep breathe in and out and agreed.

"Ok let's go find her." I said.

"Everything will be ok big bro!" Allie said hugging me as we walked out.

Ivys POV...
I have been walking for a while now and it's already kind of dark. Good think we were near town. It's not that I didn't want to kiss dom but when he kissed me I got flashbacks of what happened the night of the party. I adore dom don't get me wrong but he deserves so much better.

"Hey tramp!" An unfamiliar voice said.

I turned around and seen two girls laughing at me. I ignored them and kept walking.

"Hey we're talking to you!" They yelled.

"What do you want!" I turned around and yelled.

"Woah who do you think you're getting loud with?" The tallest girl said.

"Yeah do you need a beating?" The shortest laughed.

Allies POV...
We drove around for a bit and didn't see her.

"There!" I yelled.

I seen her standing in front of two girls.

"Stop the car." I said getting out.

As I walked closer I heard one of the girls ask if ivy needed a beating. I THINK THE HELL NOT!

"No but if you don't back up from her then you'll both need one." I said standing in front of ivy.

"Allie don't be stupid!" Dom yelled as he and col ran towards us.

"No you think I'm gonna let these twats talk to my best friend like that?" I said looking them up and down.

"Who do you think you're calling a twat?" The tallest asked with an attitude.

"Well obviously you two!" I laughed.

The short one laughed and then threw a punch at me but I dodged it. I punched her in the throat causing her to gasp for air while the other one grabbed my hair. I some how dropped her on the floor and was now on top of her punching her.

Doms pov...
I laughed as I seen my sister doing what she does best. Get in trouble.

"Aye!" A guy said.

I turned my head and seen a guy running towards us. Col managed to get Allie off of the girl and then he went to go get the car.

"Why are you letting her touch my girlfriend!?" He yelled.

"She was the one trying to start stuff with my girl- my friend!" I said back.

"Well now how would you like if I hurt your friend?" He said trying to grab ivy.

"HEY!" I yelled pushing him away from her. "Don't put your hands on her!" I yelled punching him.

He managed to punch me in the nose causing me to kind of lose my balance but I still fought pretty well. I stood above him punching him. I kept punching until I felt arms pull my off. I looked and seen it was Colson.

"Calm down dude!" He said fixing my shirt. "Now I see how you guys are related!" He laughed pointing at me and Allie.

I looked at her and chuckled.

"Let's get home!" Allie laughed pulling ivy to the car.

Both girls walked back to the car as me and col followed a little behind.

"Don't clean the blood right now." Col said.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"If you clean it right now then you won't have an excuse for ivy to help you privately. Meaning you guys can talk." He said smirking.



HEY GUYS! It's the real life allie😂 I'm kinda helping Sophie write the book right now until she gets better. She's fine but is just dealing with some things. So I hope you guys like it so far.
Go check out my page cuz I got books about dom too! WE LOVE YOU GUYS🖤

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