Oh My God

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DJ's P.O.V:

It was in that moment, when I watched James fall to the floor, that I was convinced that time had actually stopped.

Have you ever felt like that?

You feel like the world stopped spinning, and suddenly everything is moving in slow motion?

The voices around you begin to blur and the only thing you're aware of is your own mind, which is only spitting out horrid catastrophic things —- worst case scenarios?

Well... that's exactly what is happening to me right now.

It all happened so fuckin' fast... The three of us were just walking down the hallway back to our dressing room backstage, because we had just finished an amazing performance... and then...

My heart is pounding out of my chest, and all I want to do is bolt over to James, but my body feels completely frozen in place, and I can't get myself to move a muscle.

That is until everything I've been noticing suddenly comes back to me and hits me right in the face.

Within a second, I'm on the floor kneeling beside him, with Nikki on his other side, checking his pulse.

"The EMT on sight is coming...". He breathes in, "I have no clue what happened, but his pulse seems okay, which is promising..."

As soon as he said that, I feel a slight stir from James and a small wave of relief immediately washes over me.

"James?" I gently shake him, "Hey... Can you hear me?"

I could swear I see his eyes open for a split second, but they immediately close, as if keeping them open took way too much energy.

Before I could say or do anything else, the EMT pushes his way in-between me and Nikki. He gives me an intense look.

"What happened?"

I stare at him with wide eyes, and try to form a coherent thought the best I can, even though I have absolutely no clue what's going on.

"Uh.... We were just walking off stage down this hall and... he just, collapsed."

I could feel my stomach twisting and turning as I speak. The uncertainty of the situation is really freaking me out.

He takes a breath, and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay... okay." He starts rummaging through his medical equipment, and pulls out a blood pressure cuff. As he begins wrapping it around James' arm, he starts asking questions.

"How long has he been unconscious?"

I look at Nikki who answers confidently.

"Only about a minute."

That's when I chime in.

"He did stir though... And opened his eyes...." I look down at James' and could almost feel his exhaustion, but look back up. "... For like a second."

The EMT nods, as he removes the blood pressure cuff.

"So... his pressure is a bit low, but that's expected...". He puts it back in the case, and begins digging through for something else.

My head is just racing with a ton of thoughts right now. I just want answers and I want them right now. I'm not good with medical stuff so I'm at a loss. I don't know what to think or do. Thank god there's a fuckin' doctor here, or else we would be screwed.

"I'm gonna check his blood sugar really quick.... I think this will give us the most information."

He pulls out a finger stick and I automatically get a chill. I'm silently begging in my head for the number to be okay, but honestly I'm not feeling so hopeful.

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