💔Chapter One.💔

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I stare at the wooden block. Even though I had practiced laying my head on that thing, I was still terrified. I was only 18, a child. It wasn't my fault. Or..maybe it was? I took a deep breath and looked at the sky. Congratulations me, you fucked up again. I look at the block once again, frowning. I knelt down, feeling hot tears trickling down my cheeks. I slowly placed my head on the block, perfectly. I close my eyes, waiting for the cold metal to hit my neck. Instead, it hit my back. Multiple times. Eventually, the executioner did his job and killed me. Finally. I wouldn't have to live a life where people would frown and ask "What happened?"


I gasped and sat up, breathing heavily. I was in an unfamiliar room, with odd objects sprinkled around the room. I winced, feeling pain in my neck and back. My eyes widened, remembering what happened to me. I sobbed quietly, scratching at my neck. Why me? Why me out of all women? I'm just a kid. I heard a knock at the door. I turned towards the sound, my heart somehow beating even faster than before. "Hello? Is someone in there?" A voice asked. What if it's Henry? No, that isn't possible, it was a woman's voice. What if he somehow turned into a woman? No, Katherine, that's stupid. I slowly sat up, and immediately felt light-headed and weak. I collapsed to the floor, causing a few objects to fall over.

The door opened and I closed my eyes. Who knows who..or what..would be there..? "Are you okay?" Someone asked, worry laced with her voice. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling more tears run down my cheeks. "What's your name, sweetheart?" She asked, smiling softly. She held a hand out, waiting for me to take it. "K..Katherine Howard.." I said, stuttering. I slowly took her hand, standing up. "I'm Jane Seymour. Pleasure to meet you, Katherine." Jane said, still smiling. I nodded. I wiped my tears, since they wouldn't wipe themselves. "Come on, there's some other people here." Jane said, motioning for me to follow her. I flinched. Oh great..more people? What if they're Thomas, Mannox, Francis, Henry?? I don't want to go.. "Um..maybe later? Please?" I said, my voice breaking. "Of course, darling. Come down whenever you're ready." Jane said, walking out of the room.

I immediately started bawling my eyes out. I was terrified. Who or what was down there? Would I be raped again? I don't want that..anything but that. I collapsed into the bed, sobbing into a pillow.

After a few minutes, I collected myself and felt ready to go down there. At least Jane was there, maybe she could protect me..no, she's a woman..we can't do anything..I slowly but surely made my way downstairs. To my surprise, there were 5 other women, including Jane. "Ah, Katherine!" Jane ran up to mr, grabbing my hand. I flinched and pulled my hand away. "Oh, sorry." She said. Jane looked at the rest of the women. "Ladies, this is Katherine Howard!" Jane said. I feel like I could trust her, she seems nice. But then again, no one is that nice unless they want something in return. A woman walked up to me, a small smile on her face. She immediately looked at my neck, and I looked at hers. There was a clean, red, line across it. I gasped. "He got you beheaded too, huh?" She said, smiling sadly. I nodded. She held out her hand. "I'm Anne Boleyn." She said. Wait..Anne Boleyn as in..my cousin? "Wait..do you know me?" Anne tilted her head. "Katherine Howard..?" I said, praying that I don't make a fool out of myself.

She thought for a minute, then her eyes widened in surprise. "Katherine!" Anne hugged me. I winced, the scars on my back burning. And I didn't really like this sort of affection, who knows what she'll do? I laughed nervously, slightly pushing her away. "It's great to finally meet you!" Anne said, smiling brightly and grabbing my hand. I nodded in agreement, shaking. Another woman walked up to me and Anne. "Anne, leave the poor girl alone, she looks terrified." The woman said, slapping Anne's hands away. "I'm Catalina of Aragon." Catalina said, smiling. I nodded, returning the smile. I wasn't completely comfortable around any of these women, including Anne and Jane. "I'm Anna of Cleves." Another woman said, walking up to me. I blushed slightly. This woman was gorgeous..she was stunning. I nodded, flustered. No, it was a sin! I can't like her, I'll be killed again..

"I'm Katherine Parr." The last woman said, raising her hand. I nodded. "We have waaaayyy to many Catherines.." Anne said, thinking. "We should have nicknames!" Anne pointed at me. "You'll be Kat!" I nodded, smiling. The nickname wasn't terrible. "And Katherine can be..Cathy!" Anne said, looking like she had the most brilliant idea. "You'll just be Cath." Anne said, rolling her eyes at Catalina. I giggled, but quickly covered it up with a cough. They're judging me..I know it..they're looking at me like I'm crazy.. My heart started racing again, nervous. I'm terrified of what living with these women would be like. What if they try something? What if none of them are different? I looked at Anna, my cheeks turning pink again. Sure, she may be pretty but..she can also try things..you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, after all..

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