Chapter 3

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Kenny looked around the cafeteria and spotted Gio with some girl.

Kenny looked down at her food.

Damn,i thought he was single. She siad to herself in her head.

"Whats wrong Kenny?" Jessica asks.

"Oh uh-" She took a little glance over at him.

They all looked over to where she had looked. Gio was laughing with that girl.

"Oh. Gio huh?" Sav said. "Hes pretty cute but not as cute as Bryan" She smiled to herself.

"Whos Bryan?" Kenny asks

"Thats her Boyfriend" Naya says in a teasing voice.

Sav blushes.

"Speaking of boyfriend" Salena says.

She points behind Naya.

Kenny looks over and sees yet another curly headed boy coming our way.

"Hey babe" he says to Naya.

"Hey baby" Naya kisses him.

"Baby this is Kenny. Kenny this is Josh"

"Sup" Josh said.

"Hey" Kenny said.

"You know I think Eli's been talking bout you"

Kenny nearly chokes on her chips.


"What?" Kenny managed to choke out.

"Your new right?"

"Yeah so?"

"Look all im gonna say is that he said you were fine and hes not wrong-"

"BABE!" Naya shouts at him.

"What? She is pretty. Everyone here is but your the Finest most Beautiful one Babe i love you"

They kiss some more.

"Aww they are so cute" Sav says. "I need my mans right now"

"Josh wheres Bryan?"

Josh looks at Sav.Then nodded his head in a direction towards the table Gio was sitting at.

"He's over with the guys"

"Oh okay thanks i'll talk to him after" Sav says.

"Aight imma go Nice meeting you Kenny.Bye baby" He says.

Josh gave Naya one last kiss and headed towards his table.

"Josh is friends with Gio?" Kenny asks.

"Yeah" Salena says.

"He's friends with Gio,and Eli." Naya says.

"Oh" She says.

"Yup and Josh,Bryan and Franklyn are all brothers" Jessica says.

"Wait-" Kenny pauses. "Whos dating who?"

Naya laughs.

"Haaha Josh and I are dating, Salena and Franklyn are dating and Bryan and Sav are dating" She said.

"Soon i think you'll be dating someone too"

"What about you Jessica?" Kenny asks.

"Oh me? I dont date"

"Why not? Your really pretty!"

"I dont like being commited just hookup i guess"

"Yeah cause shes a whore" Naya laughs.

"Uh i am NOT" Jessica scoffs.

"Sure" Sav joins.

They all laugh.

Soon, Lunch was over and they all gathered their things and Naya and Kenny headed the same direction since they had the rest of the day together.

"So" Naya says. "You like your first day so far?"

"Uhm yeah there are so many nice new people ive met"

"Oh really"

"Yup especially you" Kenny smiled.

"Aww Thank you love" Naya says as they walk into the classroom.

They sit down in the back next to each other.

Just then Elijah walks in and looks around the classroom.

"Kenny! Hey!" He says

"Hey Elijah, Whats up"

"I was looking for you because im supposed to show you around remember?"

"Oh yeah" Kenny laughs. "Sorry about that i forgot. Plus i had Naya here take me."

"Sup Naya"

"Hey Eli"

"You still with Josh?"


"I dont know why, when you could be with me" He jokes.

"Haaa You wish"

"Okay, Your loss"

Naya laughs.

"Anywho" Kenny said. "Howd you know where to find me Elijah?"

"Oh i saw your schedule" He says. "And i have this class too"

"Oh. Okay thats cool"

Elijah went up to the front and sat down as class began to start.


*School ends*

"Hey Kenny do you drive?" Naya asks.

"Yeah why?"

"Could you drop me off home i dont feel like walking"

"Yeah of course"

They walked to the car and got in.

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