It's a hard-knock life pt. 2

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TW: Suicide 

Annie took the note in her hand and ran up to the roof. She had no idea that Sally could've even thought of doing this. The other children stayed surprisingly quiet, almost as if they knew what had happened, but Annie had no time to think about that. 

When she finally got up to the roof, she saw Sally. She was standing closer to the edge than either of them would like to admit. Annie thought that Sally couldn't give up now. Who was supposed to be there for her when miss Hannigan screamed at them? Who was she supposed to hide lollipops and lockets with? No. Giving up wasn't even a possibility.

Carefully, Annie stepped closer to Sally. 

"You don't have to do this." she said with worry in her voice.

"Annie? I didn't want you to see this.  Please go back. I don't want to scar you with the sight" Sally replied with a shaky voice. Annie wasn't sure whether it was from fear, anger or sadness, frankly, not even Sally knew the answer to that. But Annie wasn't gonna give up.

"Please. We'll get through it together" Annie replied. Trying her best not to start sobbing right then and there.

"Don't you see it, Annie? I've already lost. It's just a matter of time before something else kills me. There's no "turning back", no "smiling through the pain", just an endless black whole without any way back up" Sally said, raising her voice.

"Sally, don't do this. You'll be hurting me too. I know that we can find a way out of this! You don't have to end your life to make other happy! Just please, I beg you, please, Sally, please!" Annie pleaded. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do without you!".

"I don't know how you do it, Annie. You've grown up here, how have you survived all these years or torment? I'm sorry. I can't. There's no hope left for me"

"Let me help you. Please"

"Annie, I-" Sally was cut off by the Sound of Annie crying, until she finally said something.

"Locket Socket?".

"Annie? Oh my God, are you okay? I don't want you to cry, just please, talk to me" Sally replied quickly, trying her best to keep her balance.

"I can't live without my best friend, my only family. Can you just please stay? At least until we get out of here?"

"I will try. For you. Just promise me that you'll always talk to someone instead of bottling up your feelings like I did? Please?"

"I'll try, but you must promise me that you'll stay here with me" Annie said. It was clearly a statement and not a question.

"I promise. I love you Annie. You're the best family anybody could ever ask for"

"I lov-" Annie was cut off by a loud scream.


It was the scream she never wanted to hear. Sally had lost her balance and well backwards. Now Annie just broke down completely. She turned into a sobbing mess. This couldn't just have happened. She didn't know how she could ever survive without Sally. Her Sally. It was one more step. Just one more step and she could finish what they had just begun together. She closed her eyes, and the next thing she knew, she was floating in the air. She felt lighter than ever before.

Light as air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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