Amongst us

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Blackbird and Veloce.
The two that are like water fire.
The stoic cellist and the brazen conductor.
Who would've that they would end up together?
They obviously did.
But what happens when that couple fights?

"You're always so cold to me"
"And your always up in my space!"

The two were fighting again. This time because someone was flirting with Veloce and she did nothing. Blackbird was livid.

"It's as though sometimes you forget you have a girlfriend!" Argued a piano-haired girl.
"I would never forget you" replied the cellist.
"Well you certainly don't act like it!"

Veloce stumbled back, schocked.
"I need to go"said Blackbird turning around, picking up her coat and walking out the door.

Veloce leaned against a wall and slid down. Than she started to sing.
"I hate that your perfect, perfect for me.
If I didn't know better, I would believe..."

Hey guys. It's your author. Can't believe what's going on in this crazy world.
Amongst us is a WEBTOON which is an AU from the original ciraphona comic. Go check it out. It's great. Anyways this is going to be sorta like a song shot except they're singing. I hope to make it in the future but I've had some trouble with some crazy things in my life. Anyway...
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