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*Arabella's POV*

I was starting to freak out. Did we sleep together? I just broke up with Elijah and I can't have Jack thinking that he was just my rebound.

"Jack? Wake up!", I said shaking him a little.

"Hmm? Oh Arabella! I'm up."

"Did anything happen last night?"

"No, we just fell asleep I guess. By the way, did u know that you snore?"

"I do? Gosh that's embarrassing. Sorry." I said blushing.

"Don't worry about it. To be honest it was pretty damn cute."

"Thanks, I guess. What time is it? I promised Kendall we would go to a girls day out today.

"It's almost 1."

"HOLY CRAP!!!! We're going to be late for our appointment. Ugh Kendall is going to be mad."


"She has been wanting to go to the salon for a while now" I said.

"Do you need a ride?" Jack asked.

"Yes please. Just let me get Kendall."

I knocked on Nash's door to ask Kendall if she was coming for the marathon, but Nash answered the door with his shirt off. I hope they didn't sleep together on the first night they started going out.

"Hey Nash, is Kendall awake?"

"Nope. Why do u guys have to go already?"

"Yeah. We have an appointment at the salon and we can't miss it."

He went over to her side of the bed and shook her a little.

"Babe, get up. You and Arabella are going to be late for your appointment."

"Hhuuuhh? Oh shit! We are late! Give me five minutes Arabella!"

*Kendall's POV*

We both got our hair and nails done.

After our appointment we went out to eat.

"Thanks Arabella. I really enjoyed today." I said hugging her.

"No problem." she said hugging me back.

"So you and Nash huh?" She asked smirking.

"Yea. He's really sweet." I said smiling to myself.

Then my phone started ringing.
It was Nash.

"Hey babe." I said.

"Hey baby. Jack and I are going to a party and we were wondering if you and Arabella want to come with us?" He asked.

"hey do you want to go with a party with Nash and Jack?" I asked her.

"Sure. But won't I be like third-wheeling?" She asked.

I guess Nash heard and said,"No. Jack insisted on inviting you but since he doesn't have your number he told me to ask Kendall." He said.

"Okay. Pick me up at my house." I said.

"Okay. I'll be there at 8. Bye babe." He said and hung up after I said goodbye.

Hmm. What should we be expecting at this party.

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