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*Nash's POV*

I was at my house with Jack when I got a text from Kendall.

Kendall👑: Hey😊. Can't wait for the party.

Me: Me either. Can't wait to see my girl. See u later babe😘

Kendall👑: see u later😘

*30 minutes later*

*Kendall's POV*

Arabella and I were waiting for Nash to pick us up when she got a text from Elijah.

"Ugh the nerve of this kid." She said not answering the text that read -

"Babe I'm so sorry I broke up with you. I wasn't thinking. Can we go back to where we were before? ❤️"

"Forget about him. I'm sure Jack likes you. It's obvious." I stated confidently.

"You think so? I think I might like him also. We have a lot in common." She replied as there was a knock on door.

"Arabella it's Nash come on." I said getting up and adjusting my dress.


When we got to the party I spotted jack. I told Arabella and she went right to him.

"Hey, you look utterly sexy" Nash whispered in my ear then gave me a peck on the lips.

A giggle is all I could muster while my cheeks grew crimson red.

"You don't look too bad yourself Grier." I whispered back.

After that, I heard a cough and saw Jack and Arabella and a blonde haired kid I didn't recognize.

*Nash's POV*

"Oh Kendall, this is Jack but we call him Johnson. He's my other roommate." I said.

"And Johnson this is Kendall, my girlfriend." I said looking at Johnson.

"Ahh. So this is the girl you were texting me about on your first day." He said smiling trying to embarrass me.

"Ooh. So you were texting about me ehh?" Kendall whispered in a joking matter after they left.

"Well how couldn't I? You're so hot baby." I whispered back.
She then kissed me and I, of course, kissed back.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll be with Arabella and the Jacks." She said walking away.

While I was walking to get some drinks I bumped into someone and they got mad and started a fight with me.

The guy was twice my size.

All I could hear was Kendall whispering to me. And the Jacks pulling the guy off of me.

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