Seizing the Fiji's

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7 March 1943, Fijian Islands

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Nagato and her strike fleet arrived. Behind her there is 1st Carrier Division and southeast there is IJA Troop Transport. The IJN Commander still onboard at Nagato's ship form and now he's with her and leading Invading of Fijian Island

IJN Commander: "This is the last hundle in the South Pacific. We're treating it as a live-fire rehearsal for the Hawaii landings. The strike is just as important as the one at Pearl Harbor was. We will once again shock Azur Lane and shatter their morale. Azur Lane, your time in the Fijian Islands is at and end." pulls his cigar and smoking for a while

after 3 minutes of smoking, they enter the area of operations and the Commander gets ready

IJN Commander: "They might not know exactly when we're coming, but they know we are. And they will be ready for us. Girls, synchronize air, sea, and land attacks."
Nagato: got enemy intelligence report "Sir, the Eagle Union have been alerted to our presence."
IJN Commander: "So, the element of surprise is gone. No matter. The battle begins. Prepare for Incoming attacks."
Kaga: "I smell some destroyer flotilla try to attack our troop transports." throwing my shikigami to the air in order to launched my Nakajima B6N Tenzan ( B6N Jill ), and it goes to southeast "Hope these new bombers is good, and i can defend the troop transports."
Akagi: "Yeah... btw, did you launch 2 squadrons of Zeros? Kaga?"
Kaga: "I did, just incase enemy fighters try to get all of us."
Akagi: "Same, and btw... Commander..."
IJN Commander: turns my head to look at Akagi "Hmmm?"
Akagi: "Can i launch some ASW planes?"
IJN Commander: "Sure, just for nessesary needs."
I-400: enters the area operation and i'm somewhere at east side of the map "This is Submarine I-400. We have recieved orders to join your operation."
IJN Commander: "A nice addition to our arsenal. Welcome, I-400!"
I-400: "Thank you sir." surfacing myself so i can launch my three Aichi M6A Seiran for scouting "Gonna recon entire area sir."
IJN Commander: "Good."

Nagato and her strike fleet attacking some USN Vanguard Fleet to stall us.

Nagato: fire my cannons to Atlanta "Get lost!!"
Atlanta: "Hell No!" returns fire
USS Philadelphia: clashed against Takao "Come on!!"
Takao: "Try to stop us then!" fighting Philadelphia

 I-400 got some enemy sub near her, then she reports to the commander

I-400: "Sonar signals, sir! Incoming enemy submarines."
IJN Commander: Keep it in sight, track its course and destroy it at the first oppotunity. We can't lose vessels to underwater attacks."
Akagi: "Glad my ASW Planes already launched. I-400 keep eye on them, i'm try to get one of them." orders my ASW Planes to get US Submarines
I-400: "Ok, Akagi-san. I gonna get the other too." goes underwater after i launch three Aichi M6A Seiran 

after Nagato's Strike fleet killed those cruiser flotilla, they starting go to second base

Nagato: "The first island area is clear, heading to second island. Ushio, order your troop transports to start their landing operation."
IJN Ushio: "Thank you, ma'am." start to get to the first island
Kaga: manage to destroy all US destroyer flotilla that try to get Ushio's Landing Fleet "Tch.... they come at the wrong time."
Ushio: "Yeah.. thank you, Kaga."
Kaga: "Don't mention it. I'm gonna start to bombing those airfields now." launching my Yokosuka D4Y Suisei ( D4Y Judy ) with my shikigami 
IJN Commander: "Keep up the momentum girls!"
All IJN Shipgirls: "Yes!!!"

after Akagi's ASW Plane reach 2 USN Submarine, USS Dace and USS Bluegill having hard time

Dace: "Gahh.... they are here!"
Bluegill: "Not to mention by...." got hitted by 3 torpedos from I-400
Dace: "Bluegill!!!" look at Bluegill's dead body is going deeper
I-400: "Too Late Dace!!"
Dace: "What...." got bombed by 2 squadrons of Akagi's ASW and i'm dead aswell
Akagi: "Well that went quick...."
I-400: "Thank you, senpai!"

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